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Last modified
11/25/2014 11:36:10 AM
Creation date
11/21/2014 11:03:54 AM
Supporting and Endorsing the Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District's Proposed Extension of its Boundaries to the San Mateo County Coast to Preserve Open Space and Agricultural Lands
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• • <br /> WHEREAS,public agencies, land trusts, and other non-profit entities, some of <br /> which currently own open space lands west of Skyline Boulevard and on the San Mateo <br /> County coast, have indicated a great need for District services in providing for additional <br /> open space preservation and in providing experienced, long-term stewardship and <br /> management for those open space lands, especially in light of current budget constraints <br /> at the federal, state and county level which restrict other government agencies' ability to <br /> provide these services; and <br /> WHEREAS, in response to these request and this need,the District is considering <br /> extending its boundaries so that it may provide services to preserve and manage open <br /> space lands west of Skyline Boulevard, preserve agricultural lands on the coast,preserve <br /> the rural character of the coastal region,provide land management services for other <br /> land-owning agencies, enhance fire protection and public safety through the increased <br /> presence of its highly skilled field staff, and offer the public further opportunities for <br /> ecologically-sensitive recreational uses and environmental education; and <br /> WHEREAS, through this proposed annexation of the coastside, the District will <br /> greatly enhance the protection of the pristine, "world-class"natural beauty, open spaces <br /> and agriculture of the San Mateo County coast, from the southern boundary of Pacifica to <br /> the Santa Cruz/San Mateo County Line and from Skyline to the sea, one of the last <br /> remaining unspoiled coastlines so near to one of the world's major urban areas; and <br /> WHEREAS, the District's annexation proposal envisions purchasing (from <br /> willing sellers only, and often through acquiring conservation or agricultural easements) <br /> and/or managing up to 11,800 acres of pristine public open space and continuing-use <br /> agricultural land, over the next 15 years,thereby allowing orderly development, yet <br /> preventing urban sprawl; and <br /> WHEREAS, if successful,the District's efforts will provide for the people of the <br /> Town of Los Altos Hills and for the entire region expanded opportunities for public <br /> access on the coastside, increased resources for maintaining the physical and economic <br /> integrity of Coastal agricultural lands, elected representation for the coastside area on the <br /> District's board of directors, enhanced community programs in environmental education <br /> and open space volunteerism; and <br /> WHEREAS, such and extension would have no financial impact on the Town of <br /> Los Altos Hills, would have insignificant financial effect on other government agencies <br /> or services within the proposed annexation area, and would not change any land use <br /> designations or land use control, as the District does not have any regulatory or zoning <br /> authority, but would offer the District, on behalf of the public,the opportunity to <br /> contribute its services to open space and agricultural preservation and long-term <br /> stewardship efforts, subject to all local, state, and federal land use regulations and in <br /> compliance with all city and San Mateo County General and Coastal Plans; and will be <br /> the most efficient and effective way to provide these needed services; and <br />
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