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• IP <br /> (ii) The charges to and duties of this Committee shall be: <br /> a. Provide emergency radio communication services between the Los <br /> Altos Hills Emergency Operation Center (EOC) facility using federally sanctioned amateur <br /> (ham) radio operating frequencies in accordance with federally mandated amateur (ham) radio <br /> operating requirements and procedures and: <br /> 1) The Santa Clara County Office of Emergency Services <br /> (OES). <br /> 2) Amateur(ham) radio operators throughout the Town of Los <br /> Altos Hills and surrounding areas. <br /> 3) Surrounding area municipal emergency communication <br /> facilities, hospitals and emergency service groups such as <br /> the Red Cross. <br /> b. Participate in periodic "simulated disaster" emergency <br /> communication drills and various set meetings as organized by the Amateur Radio Emergency <br /> System (ARES) District Emergency Coordinator (DEC) or other such officials and weekly <br /> ARES communication readiness/training nets that exist in our area. <br /> c. Provide occasional non-emergency communication services for <br /> other Los Altos Hill sanctioned groups as requested when possible and practical. <br /> d. Develop and train an "Associates" group of radio amateur <br /> operators within the Town of Los Altos Hills and surrounding areas who in time of need will be <br /> available to assist the Committee members in the performance of"charge" tasks. Training shall <br /> consist of offered instruction in emergency communication as well as in the basic skills <br /> necessary for passing the entry level amateur radio operator test administered by the Federal <br /> Communication Commission. <br /> e. Maintain the group's radio equipment and update it as required via <br /> volunteer labor and budgeted acquisition of goods and services as required. <br /> (c) Environmental Design and Protection Committee. <br /> (i) The membership of this committee shall consist of eight (8) members <br /> including, whenever feasible, professionals in the fields of landscape <br /> design and construction, environmental science, and pollution control. <br /> (ii) The charges to and duties of this Committee shall be: <br /> a. to work for the beautification of the Town and thep rotection of its <br /> resources; <br /> 5 <br />