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• . <br /> RESOLUTION NO. 22-03 <br /> RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br /> OF THE TOWN OF LOS ALTOS HILLS <br /> SUMMARILY VACATING A STORM DRAIN <br /> EASEMENT OVER THE LANDS OF TENG <br /> WHEREAS, in 1973 the County of Santa Clara acquired a fifteen foot wide storm drain <br /> easement(the "Subject Easement") over a portion of that certain property hereinafter more <br /> particularly described in Exhibit A and commonly known as the Lands of Teng; and <br /> WHEREAS, in 2000 the Lands of Teng were annexed into the Town of Los Altos Hills <br /> (the"Town")thereby transferring ownership of the Subject Easement to the Town; and <br /> WHEREAS,the City Council of the Town believes the Subject Easement should be <br /> vacated and abandoned for the reason that it will be relocated, and that the best interests of the <br /> Town will be served by such relocation; and <br /> WHEREAS,the City Council of the Town is authorized by Section 8333 of the <br /> California Streets and Highways Code to summarily vacate a public service easement if the <br /> easement has been superseded by relocation and there are no other public facilities located within <br /> the easement; and <br /> WHEREAS,the City Council of the Town fords that the Subject Easement has been <br /> superseded by relocation and there are no other public facilities located within the easement; <br /> NOW THEREFORE, the City Council of the Town does RESOLVE that the Town <br /> hereby vacates and abandons the Subject Easement described and depicted in Exhibit A, <br /> pursuant to the authority contained in Section 8335 of the California Streets and Highways Code; <br /> BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED,that the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to <br /> cause a certified copy of this resolution to be recorded by the Santa Clara County Recorder's <br /> Office; <br /> #671235v1 <br />