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RESOLUTION NO. 96-03 • <br /> RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE <br /> TOWN OF LOS ALTOS HILLS <br /> APPROVING AGREEMENT FOR CONSERVATION EASEMENT <br /> (Lands of Kerns) <br /> WHEREAS, William Ross Kerns and Elizabeth Kayton Kerns, .husband and wife <br /> ("Owners"), own as community property that certain real property in the Town of Los Altos Hills <br /> commonly known as 11885 Francemont Drive, Los Altos Hills, California(the "Property"); and <br /> WHEREAS, the Town has adopted a General Plan and, pursuant thereto, may accept <br /> grants of conservation easements on privately owned lands lying within the Town; <br /> WHEREAS, Owner has offered to enter into an agreement for conservation easement <br /> ("Conservation Easement Agreement") to limit the use of a portion of the property in order to <br /> reduce potential adverse impacts on such land including grading, vegetation removal, and erosion; <br /> WHEREAS, Owner and the Town recognize that such land is essentially unimproved and <br /> if retained in its natural state has substantial scenic value to the public and that the preservation of <br /> such land as open space constitutes an important physical, social, aesthetic and economic asset to <br /> the Town and the Owners; and <br /> WHEREAS, the City Council has determined it is necessary and proper and in the public <br /> interest to approve the Conservation Easement Agreement; <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the Town of Los Altos Hills does RESOLVE <br /> as follows: <br /> The Town hereby accepts on behalf of the public, and for the purposes therein described, <br /> approves the Conservation Easement Agreement attached to this Resolution as Attachment A; and <br /> the Mayor is hereby authorized and directed to execute, the Conservation Easement Agreement. <br /> PASSED AND ADOPTED this fit day of 2003 <br /> BY: <br /> Mayor d <br /> ATET: <br /> City.Clerk 411 <br /> #666203v1 <br />