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• <br /> • <br /> WHEREAS,Network Participants now desire to amend the Joint Funding Agreement to allow the <br /> Communications Steering Committee to expend monies allocated for the consultant to manage the design of the <br /> county wide radio interoperability and the public safety radio and data communications network,purchase of the <br /> JPS Communications, interoperability system and,if required,to retain consultants to assist in the design <br /> of the data communications network; - <br /> Each of the Network Participants now desire to amend the Joint Funding Agreement to read as follows: <br /> A. Purpose <br /> In accordance with California Government Code Section 6502,the purpose of this Agreement is not to create an <br /> independent authority but to jointly exercise the contracting power of all the public agencies that are Network <br /> Participants to this Agreement to retain the professional services of consultants for the conceptual design and <br /> development of an implementation strategy for countywide radio interoperability system and a public safety <br /> radio and data communications network and realize a significant cost savings,to purchase a radio <br /> communications system providing interoperability between all Network Participants utilizing JPS . <br /> Communications,Incorporated,radio interoperability system and jointly apply for state,federal and/or private <br /> alternate funding grants for the purchase of the radio interoperability and/or the data communications network <br /> system. <br /> B. Authorization <br /> Each Network Participant is authorized by its respective governing body or Board of Directors to'amend the <br /> Joint Funding Agreement to jointly exercise each Network Participant's individual power to retain the services <br /> of consultants for the conceptual design and development of an implementation strategy for countywide radio <br /> interoperability and a public safety radio and data communications network as set forth herein,to purchase a <br /> radio communications system providing interoperability between all Network Participants utilizing JPS <br /> hardware and to apply for state,federal and/or private alternate funding grants on behalf of the Network <br /> Participants for the funds to purchase the JPS system and/or the data communications network equipment. <br /> C. Communications Steering Committee <br /> 1. Composition:The Communications Network Steering Committee shall consist of the following five(5)- <br /> representatives appointed from their respective associations: <br /> a. A City Manager from the Santa Clara County/Cities Managers'Association; <br /> b. A Fire Chief from the Santa Clara County Fire Chiefs Association; <br /> c. A Police Chief from the Santa Clara County Police Chiefs Association;and <br /> d. Two representatives from the Public Safety Communications Managers Association <br /> 2. Authority <br /> a. Delegation of Authority:Each Network Participant hereby authorizes to the Communications Network, <br /> Steering Committee to(1)execute the professional services agreements with consultants in the name- <br /> of the'Network Participants as provided herein;(2)to administer these agreements,including,but not <br /> limited to authorize payment for services rendered under these agreements and the power to terminate <br /> the agreement on behalf of all Network Participants;(3)purchase a radio communications system <br /> providing interoperability between all Network Participants utilizing JPS Communications, <br /> Incorporated hardware,and(4)apply for state,federal and/or private alternative funding grants on <br /> behalf of the Network Participants to purchase the JPS system and/or data communications network <br /> equipment. -- <br /> b. Limitation. The Communications Steering Committee is only authorized to spend those monies <br /> committed under this Agreement by the respective legislative bodies of the Network Participants. <br /> 3. Composition:The Communications Network Steering Committee shall consist of the following five(5) <br /> representatives appointed from their respective associations: <br /> a. A City Manager from the Santa Clara County/Cities Managers'Association; <br />