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• <br /> 2.35 "Temporary Appointment": An appointment to a position of limited duration of a <br /> person who possesses the minimum qualifications established for a particular class.. <br /> 2.36 "Temporary Position":: A full-time or part-time position of limited duration. <br /> 2.37 "Termination": The separation of an employee from the Town service because of <br /> retirement,resignation, layoff, death or dismissal. <br /> 2.38 "Town": The Town of Los Altos Hills. <br /> 2.39 "Transfer": A change of an employee from one position to another position in the <br /> same class or in a comparable class with the same maximum rate of pay. <br /> 2.40 "Work-Week": The standard work-week for full-time employees of the Town shall <br /> be 40 hours. For purposes of payroll, the work week begins on Sunday (midnight) <br /> and ends on the consecutive Sunday (midnight). <br /> SECTION 3 <br /> CLASSIFICATION • . <br /> 3.1 = PREPARATION AND MAINTENANCE OF PLAN <br /> The City Manager'shall ascertain and record the duties and responsibilities of all <br /> positions in the competitive service and, after consultation with heads of departments <br /> affected, prepare and maintain the Classification Plan. <br /> The Classification Plan shall consist of a list of every classification in-use by the <br /> Town. <br /> ( F" <br /> The Classification Plan shall also contain, as;an addendum,job descriptions for each <br /> position, which shall include the class title; a description of the position; examples of <br /> typical duties and responsibilities; and a description of abilities and other <br /> qualifications for the position. <br /> 3.2 ADOPTION OF PLAN <br /> Before the classification plan or any part thereof shall become effective, it shall first <br /> be approved by the City Council. The job classification plan shall be amended or <br /> revised when required in the same manner as originally established. <br /> 3.3 NEW POSITIONS <br /> When a new position is created by City Council action, before the same may be <br /> filled, and except as otherwise provided by Municipal Code or these Rules, no <br /> Personnel Policy Manual. . . 5 02/07/2002 . „ <br />