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Staff Report to the Planning Commission <br /> January 17, 2008 <br /> Page 2 of 5 <br /> The existing landscaping on the property consists of a variety of trees including crape <br /> myrtle, flowering plum, and California bay. There is also a large mix of shrubs on the <br /> property. <br /> Per condition of approval #2 for the new residence, the applicant was required to replace <br /> the trees being removed at a three to one ratio for "landscape mitigation with a mix of <br /> large and small trees, one being a 25 foot tall tree to replace the existing Cypress. The <br /> remaining replacement trees shall consistent of a minimum of three to five large trees <br /> (minimum 20' tall x 10' wide) and ten to twelve smaller trees" (Attachment 2). To satisfy <br /> this condition the applicant is proposing to install the following: <br /> Qty. Size Qty. Size <br /> 1 25' tall tree to replace the Cypress 1 25' tall Cedar-72"box <br /> 3-5 20' tall x 10' wide 3 20' tall x 20' wide Olive Trees <br /> 5 24"box Fern Vine <br /> 10-12 10' tall x 5' wide 7 24"box Victorian Box <br /> 1 11 tall x 6 wide California Pepper <br /> 2 12' tall x 5' wide Southern Magnolia <br /> In addition to the required screening, the applicant is proposing two (2) - 60"box Copper <br /> Beach trees and eighty nine(89) - 15 gallon shrubs of various types. <br /> Solar panels have been constructed on the south slope of the property for the new <br /> residence (building permit # 14219 issued on 7/21/2006). The applicant is proposing <br /> eleven (11) -15 gallon English Laurel around the structure to help screen the panels from <br /> the neighbor's view. <br /> COMMITTEE COMMENTS <br /> The Environmental Design and Protection Committee commented on the extent of <br /> landscape coverage on the property and the amount of water the landscaping will require. <br /> The Committee also suggested using more native plants for additional mitigation closer to <br /> the residence to soften the appearance of the house. (Attachment 3) The comments have <br /> been forwarded to the applicant. <br />