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Free Deconstruction What is Benefits of <br /> Permits Deconstruction? Deconstruction <br /> On November 8, 2007, the Los Altos Hills Deconstruction is the dismantling of a struc- When a building is demolished, the structure <br /> City Council passed a resolution to waive ture in order to salvage, reuse, and recycle as is reduced to rubble, and tons of waste are <br /> demolition permit fees for deconstruction of much building materials as possible. carted away to landfills and incinerators. De- <br /> buildings for recycling purposes. construction provides an alternative. It is a <br /> In order to qualify for a free demolition per- Deconstruction often does not cost more than way to remove buildings while preserving <br /> mit, the applicant must submit a demolition regular demolition. In fact, most older build- natural resources. <br /> permit application along with: ings can be deconstructed at a savings to the <br /> owner, both financially and environmentally. Benefits of deconstruction include: <br /> 1. A signed deconstruction contract with a The demolition of a typical 2,000 square foot <br /> licensed contractor specifying the scope home can be expected to produce 127 tons of REDUCE construction waste sent to <br /> of work. debris. While disposal fees can vary widely landfills <br /> 2. A "J Number" from the Bay Area Quality depending upon local conditions, disposal cost <br /> Management District. The J Number for a typical residential demolition would be in <br /> i <br /> the range of $2,000 to $4,000. The diversion RECYCLE building materials suitable <br /> process i designed to ensure that no of construction waste could result in savings of for resale <br /> asbestos s released into the air when <br /> buildings are demolished. thousands of dollars in disposal fees. <br /> PRESERVE natural resources by reusing <br /> 3. Confirmation from PG&E that gas and In addition, the deconstruction of a typical salvaged materials <br /> electric facilities have been removed or 2,000 square foot wood frame home can yield <br /> abandoned on the property. up to 6,000 board feet of reusable lumber. <br /> This is equivalent to 33 mature trees, or the <br /> yearly output of 10 acres of planted pine trees. <br /> Fast Tracked Permits <br /> Additional incentives for deconstruction in- <br /> cludes a fast track permit process that allows - <br /> deconstruction prior to building permit ap- <br /> proval. Since deconstruction consumes more <br /> time than conventional building demolition, <br /> early building removal is allowed after site Additional Resources: <br /> development approval for a new residence. <br /> This could potentially save the homeowner Building Material Salvage/Recycling Facilities <br /> weeks of construction time. = <br /> For more information, please contact the Builders'Guide to Reuse and Recycling <br /> Building Department at (650) 941-7222. Will <br /> rsguide-05.pdf <br />