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Planning Commission Minutes . DRAFT <br /> November 1,2007 <br /> Page 2 <br /> Commissioner Harpootlian asked for further explanation on the last sentence in section G. The <br /> ordinance wording was confusing as to what portion of the existing building and new addition <br /> would be subject to the increased setback. He proposed the wording "All portions of the <br /> addition where the total is over 10,000 square feet shall be subject to increased setbacks". <br /> Commissioner Clow suggested that for all proposed additions that would increase the total <br /> building size to over 10,000 square feet, the entire addition must meet the setbacks for the <br /> resulting total for the building size. <br /> MOTION AMENDED, SECONDED AND PASSED: Motion by Commissioner Clow and <br /> seconded by Commissioner Cottrell to forward a recommendation to the City Council to adopt <br /> the proposed amendment to the Estate Homes ordinance with a change in C.1 to 33 feet and a <br /> sentence revision in G to read "For additions that bring the total floor area of the building to an <br /> amount over 10,000 square feet, the project shall be subject to the Estate Homes Ordinance". <br /> AYES: Chairman Carey, Commissioners Clow, Collins, Cottrell and Harpootlian <br /> NOES: none <br /> This recommendation will be forwarded to the City Council to be heard at a future meeting. <br /> 3.2 AMENDMENTS TO THE LOS ALTOS HILLS GENERAL PLAN including an <br /> updated Safety Element and Noise Element. The updated documents comprise <br /> Phase 2 of the General Plan update project. The purpose of the project is to <br /> correct errors and obsolete references and to produce a more accurate, legible, and <br /> reproducible document that accurately depicts existing conditions in the Town. <br /> The proposed amendments do not include any changes in land use designations. <br /> Leslie Hopper, Contract Planner, presented the staff report on the second phase of the General <br /> Plan update project. The General Plan Ad-Hoc Committee's revision of the Safety and Noise <br /> Elements included updated information, improved format, new graphics and the reviewed <br /> policies and programs. Most of the policies and programs in the updated document are from the <br /> existing elements with a few additions. She pointed out the wording for new Program 4.7 under <br /> Fire Hazards, "Emergency access roads shall be maintained by the Los Altos Hills County Fire <br /> District according to District fire road standards and consistent with pathway requirements". The <br /> Program is in line with City Council direction and the Los Altos Hills County Fire District has <br /> agreed to maintain the fire roads. However, during the General Plan Committee meetings, it was <br /> discussed that certain fire roads used also by pedestrians and equestrians have existing paving <br /> which can be slippery for horses and people. Since change is not possible for all cases, staff is <br /> recommending adding the qualifier "to the maximum extent possible". Leslie continued and <br /> mentioned the commitment to encourage the Neighborhood Watch Program, the on-going <br /> commitment to the Santa Clara County Hazardous Waste Program, and the new policies under <br /> Disaster Response. In the Noise Element, under Noise Environment, Program 1.1 commits the <br /> Town to update the Noise Ordinance to "provide for clear interpretation of the regulations and <br /> appropriate standards based on the A-weighted scale". The correction is needed as the existing <br /> Noise Ordinance standards are based on the C-weighted scale (which is practically unobtainable) <br /> and most other cities use the A-weighted scale (which is closest to human hearing). The Policy <br /> on sound walls has also received some revision. <br />