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Planning Commission Minutes DRAFT <br /> November 1,2007 <br /> Page 3 <br /> Comments had been received from the Town's noise consultant recommending a change to <br /> Policy 2.2 to read "Residential construction in high noise level areas shall include provisions for <br /> structural insulation as necessary to ensure an interior noise level of CMEL 45 DB or less". This <br /> was considered by the noise consultant as a reasonable standard and is included in the Uniform <br /> Building Code as a requirement under Title 24 for multi-family housing, apartments and hotels. <br /> Discussion ensued among the Commissioners regarding the required DB level of the policy, <br /> what procedures (i.e. insulation) could be implemented to help attain that level and how the DB <br /> level could be measured in residential construction. There was concern over the added cost to <br /> the homeowner. <br /> Commissioner Clow suggested "as necessary to ensure maximum possible noise attenuation to <br /> reach 45 DB or less". He felt the strength of the proposed wording might cause the need for a <br /> consultant to complete noise calculations at the end of a building project. <br /> Debbie Pedro suggested the wording "to ensure maximum possible noise attenuation and to <br /> encourage an interior noise level of 45 DB or less". <br /> Leslie stated that comments had also been received from Town resident, Alex Atkins, regarding <br /> Program 1.1 in the Noise Element. He suggested the wording "Update the Noise Ordinance to <br /> provide for clear interpretation of the regulations with effective and unambiguous enforcement of <br /> appropriate standards based on the A weighted scale". Mr. Atkins also recommended the <br /> addition of discussion under Fire Hazards, paragraph 825, to be specific and include eucalyptus <br /> trees with the fact that they cause a significant fire risk. Another change he wanted was for the <br /> Safety Element, program 4.3 to read; "Educate property owners on the benefits of reducing and <br /> mitigating fire hazards with specific emphasis on the danger of eucalyptus trees". <br /> Mike O'Malley, Edgerton Road and Chairman of the Ad-Hoc General Plan Committee, stated <br /> that the comments of Mr. Atkins were taken at a meeting when he was absent. The General Plan <br /> Committee was working with the input of Town Committees at their meetings and the public <br /> was invited to make their comments at the Planning Commission and City Council meetings. <br /> The Committee was trying not to put too much specificity into the General Plan and believed the <br /> specifics should evolve from the Town ordinances. <br /> The General Plan should recognize that properties located in high noise corridors should take <br /> steps to minimize or reduce noise inside the home. The City Council has addressed the <br /> eucalyptus issue four or five times in the last year and will continue to do so. The General Plan <br /> reflects that there is fire risk in Los Altos Hills and the Town should keep up specific programs <br /> such as tree trimming and tree removal. The Noise Ordinance is in conflict with the General <br /> Plan as it is now stated as well as the prior General Plan. The current ordinance is nearly <br /> impossible to enforce, at 40 DB at the property line. <br /> Chairman Carey wondered if the instruction in the General Plan to update the Noise Ordinance <br /> was too specific. When the Noise Ordinance update is complete, the directive will still remain in <br /> the General Plan. <br />