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3.1 <br />TOWN OF LOS ALTOS HILLS February 21, 2008 <br />Staff Report to the Planning Commission <br />RE: MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND TENTATIVE MAP FOR A <br />THREE -LOT SUBDIVISION: LANDS OF ISAAC AGAM ET AL, 25706 ELENA <br />ROAD. FILE #148 -07 -TM -IS -ND. <br />FROM: Brian Froelich, AICP, Associate Planner_'M� <br />APPROVED BY: Debbie Pedro, AICP, Planning Director" <br />RECOMMENDATION <br />That the Planning Commission: <br />1. Review, make comments, and forward a recommendation that, based on the Initial <br />Study, the City Council adopt the Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation <br />Monitoring Program in Attachment #3; and <br />2. Forward a recommendation that the City Council approve the requested Tentative <br />Map, based on the findings in Attachment #2 and subject to the conditions of <br />approval in Attachment #1. <br />DISCRETIONARY ACTIONS <br />The following discretionary actions by the City Council are required for approval of the <br />subdivision: <br />1. Adoption of the Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring Program <br />2. Approval of the Tentative Map <br />The Planning Commission's actions are recommendations to the City Council. <br />TENTATIVE MAP REVIEW <br />In order to approve a subdivision, the Planning Commission must determine that the <br />project is consistent with the General Plan, Subdivision and Zoning Regulations, and that <br />none of the findings for denial can be made, as specified in Section 66474 of the State <br />Subdivision Map Act. Staff has prepared findings for approval of the project (Attachment <br />#2). Comments on the Tentative Map have been received from the Town Geotechnical <br />Consultant, the Town Engineer, Santa Clara County Fire Department, the Environmental <br />Design Committee, and the Pathways Committee; and are attached for the Planning <br />Commission's review. Neighboring property owners within 500 feet of the site have been <br />notified of the public hearing. <br />