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Planning Commission <br />Vinedo Estates 3-1ot Subdivision <br />February 21, 2008 <br />Page 2 of 10 <br />i:�uyrz•�u�i�e�r•�s:?t���v <br />In compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), an Initial Study, <br />Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring Program have been prepared <br />for the project. A Notice of Intent to adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration was <br />published in the Town Crier on February 13, 2008. The notice was also submitted to the <br />Santa Clara County Clerks Office for a 20 day public review period which began on <br />February 13, 2008 and will ended on March 5, 2008. <br />The Planning Commission may make comments on both the Environmental Documents <br />and the Tentative Map. The Mitigated Negative Declaration must be adopted by the City <br />Council before approving the Tentative Map. In order to recommend adoption, the <br />Commission must find that all potentially significant environmental effects are addressed <br />through the proposed mitigation measures. <br />Recommended mitigation measures include geotechnical review of site development <br />plans, site-specific drainage improvements, adherence to the project arborist's <br />recommendations and tree protection during construction, tree mitigation plantings, and <br />observation of State and County requirements for handling archaeological remains and <br />artifacts if found. <br />7Zi�iTii7I.Y '7N._�illC•L`I <br />The applicant is requesting approval of a three -lot subdivision on a 3.38 gross acres <br />parcel located at the northwest comer of Elena Road and Vinedo Lane. The existing <br />parcel is not currently developed because the primary residence and accessory structures <br />were demolished in 1998. At that time, a new residence was proposed but the application <br />expired prior to approval. <br />The site contains over 100 trees and has an average slope of 12.7%. Surrounding land <br />uses include one and two story single family residences on 1+ acre parcels. The site is <br />located at approximately 400 to 460 feet above sea level and is approximately one half <br />mile from Interstate 280. <br />Existing Development Table <br />