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7.1 <br />Minutes of a Regular Meeting DRAFT <br />Town of Los Altos Hills <br />PLANNING COMMISSION <br />THURSDAY, February 21, 2008, 7:00 p.m. <br />Council Chambers, 26379 Fremont Road <br />ROLL CALL AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE <br />The regular meeting of the Planning Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Council <br />Chambers at Town Hall. <br />Present: Chairman Carey, Commissioners Clow, Collins and Hatpootlian <br />Absent: Commissioner Cottrell <br />Staff: Debbie Pedro, Planning Director; Brian Froelich, Associate Planner; Richard Chiu, <br />City Engineer; Brian Crossman, Special Counsel and Victoria Ortland, Planning <br />Secretary <br />PRESENTATIONS FROM THE FLOOR - none <br />3. PUBLIC HEARINGS <br />3.1 LANDS OF AGAM AND COHEN, 25706 Elena Road (148 -07 -IS -ND - <br />TM); A request for a three lot subdivision of an existing 3.38 acre parcel. <br />The property is zoned R -A (Residential -Agricultural). CEQA Review: <br />Mitigated Negative Declaration (Staff -Brian Froelich, AICP). <br />Ex Parte Contacts Policy Disclosure: Chairman Carey and Commissioner Harpoothan had met <br />the applicants on site. Commissioner Clow had met with applicants on the site and had also <br />talked with one of the neighbors. <br />Commissioner Collins recused herself from this item as she is within a 500 foot radius of the site. <br />Brian Froelich, Associate Planner, presented the staff report for the proposed three lot <br />subdivision. The vacant site of 3.38 acres in size has a 60 foot frontage on Elena Road and a 388 <br />foot frontage on Vinedo Lane. The tentative map design for the subdivision has an <br />ingress/egress easement off Vinedo Lane for parcels two and three that me situated behind parcel <br />one. There is a recommendation for a ten foot pathway easement for installation of a pathway <br />along Vinedo Lane. An overhead utility line is required to be put underground and a well must <br />be capped off or permitted by the Santa Clara Valley Water Department. Of the 109 trees on the <br />site, 24 are proposed for removal. Two heritage oaks are among the trees to be removed to <br />provide access to parcels two and three. The conditions of approval recommend a two to one <br />replacement of the trees and a two to one replacement of the heritage oaks with 36" box oak <br />trees. The Town and Santa Clara County Fire Department have required the widening of Vinedo <br />Lane on the north (applicant's) side. As a private road, the maintenance of Vinedo Lane is <br />