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Item 7.1
Planning Commission
Planning Commission Packets
March 6, 2008
Item 7.1
Entry Properties
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4/20/2016 7:55:14 AM
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Staff Report
Item Number
Item 7.1
February 21, 2008 Draft Meeting Minutes
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Planning Commission Minutes DRAFT <br />February 21, 2008 <br />Page 2 <br />subject to a road maintenance agreement. Town staff and the City Attorney have examined the <br />road maintenance agreement with regard to the road widening requirement and concluded that, <br />m the permitting authority, the Town can require a private road to be widened for a major <br />development project. Further, a precedent was set in 1995, when as a condition of approval for a <br />new residence; Vinedo Lane was widened to 20 feet at a location further up the street. The <br />project meets the Town's subdivision ordinance requirements. A recommendation from Planning <br />Commission to the City Council is requested on the tentative map, initial study, mitigation <br />monitoring program and the mitigated negative declaration. <br />Commissioner Clow asked if the cypress trees along Vinedo Lane would be removed if the <br />pathway was constructed in the proposed location. <br />Brian Froelich replied that the cypress trees would remain and the path meander around them if <br />the Commission upheld the Committee's recommendation. <br />Commissioner Harpootlian asked if the replacement ratio of two to one for the heritage oaks was <br />sufficient. <br />Debbie Pedro, Planning Director, replied yes, as the oak trees used for the two to one <br />replacement will be 36" box oaks. <br />Chairman Carey asked if removal of the trees should wait until the home development plans for <br />the three homes are submitted. <br />Brian Froelich replied that the oak trees needed to be removed for ingress/egress purposes. <br />Chairman Carey requested clarification on the pathway location and the reason it is not adjacent <br />to the road. <br />Brian Froelich explained that the Pathways Committee had asked for a ten foot easement along <br />the property boundary. The pathway is required to be 5 feet wide and was proposed to be <br />located away from the street to preserve the cypress trees. <br />OPENED PUBLIC HEARING <br />Issac Agam, Applicant, stated that the subdivision complies with the Town's requirements. <br />Sewers will be installed instead of septic systems. The trees to be removed will be replaced and <br />the remaining trees will be trimmed. The property has the legal right to access Vinedo Lane. He <br />thought the addition of the traffic created by three new families on Vinedo Lane would not have <br />a significant impact. He felt that the driveway entrance on Vinedo Lane would be safer than the <br />current driveway entrance on Elena Road. He preferred the pathway next to the road. <br />John Trayer, Vinedo Lane Road Association President, stated that Vinedo Lane is a private road <br />maintained by the members. He felt that the concept of something being added to the road <br />without input by the homeowners when their Road Association would be taking care of it is not <br />correct. He had concerns over where the road would be widened. <br />
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