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Planning Cormnission Minutes DRAFT <br />March 6, 2008 <br />Page 4 <br />Nova Sayadian, Architect, explained that the proposed roof material is a ribbed, powder coated, <br />commercial type metal roofing. It can be colored in many different formats, is not reflective and <br />would not fade for 30 years. <br />Chairman Carey said he was not familiar with metal roof products and wanted to prevent an <br />industrial look. <br />Commissioner Cottrell suggested that the Planning Commission could not design the roof. Metal <br />roofing is used for many buildings, is not reflective and will last a long time. <br />Commissioner Clow asked what method of watering was planned for the landscape. <br />Mr. Gupta replied that a drip irrigation system would be used. <br />Commissioner Clow felt the applicant had done an outstanding job with the landscape plan. The <br />landscape installation before construction begins gives the neighbors screening during the <br />building process. A condition of approval can be provided to address the concern of Mr. <br />Kirkpatrick regarding the sun's glare off the metal roof. Moving the location of the residence <br />would hurt one neighbor more than it would help the other neighbors. He recommended <br />approval of the project. <br />Commissioner Collins explained that she felt the purpose of the Planning Commission was to <br />resolve conflict. She acknowledged that the project had been in three public hearings and was <br />returned to the Planning Commission to resolve conflict. If all new residences in Los Altos Hills <br />had only to meet the ordinances, there would be more conflict in the community and no purpose <br />for the Planning Commission. She saw the project as big and beautiful, but significant <br />neighborhood conflict remained. The application had fallen short of standards that other large <br />projects had met in the past, such as the Malavalli project. The application still remained in the <br />design process and change could still be made. She supported moving the house back 20 feet <br />and rotating it, if necessary. This type of compromise on a project of this scale was not too much <br />to ask. <br />Commissioner Harpoothan felt that a large home being built on the empty field has an impact on <br />the neighborhood. The applicant had made an excellent effort in working with the neighbors to <br />help mitigate the impact. The roof glare issue would be solved during construction. He was <br />neutral in regard to moving the air conditioning units. He requested acceptance of the <br />recommendations of the Environmental Design Committee. He felt the installation of the <br />landscape screening before construction would make a big difference in the view to the <br />neighbors. <br />Commissioner Cottrell hoped the neighbors appreciated the applicant's extraordinary effort on <br />their behalf. In his nearly nine years on the Planning Commission, he remembers few cases <br />where anyone was willing to plant landscape screening before construction began. He <br />appreciated the concerns of the neighbors but did not think a redesign of the property was <br />practical or in the Planning Commission's purview to ask for. The codes have all been met and <br />the applicant has worked hard to mitigate the effects of the construction on the other property <br />