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7.1 <br />Minutes of a Regular Meeting DRAFT <br />Town of Los Altos Hills <br />PLANNING COMMISSION <br />THURSDAY, April 3, 2008, 7:00 p.m. <br />Council Chambers. 26379 Fremont Road <br />ROLL CALL AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE <br />The regular meeting of the Planning Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Council <br />Chambers at Town Hall. <br />Present: Commissioners Cottrell, Clow, Collins and Harpootlian <br />Absent: Chairman Carey <br />Staff: Debbie Pedro, Planning Director; Leslie Hopper, Consulting Planner; and Victoria <br />Ortland, Planning Secretary <br />PRESENTATIONS FROM THE FLOOR - none <br />PUBLIC HEARINGS <br />3.1 AMENDMENTS TO THE LOS ALTOS HILLS GENERAL PLAN including <br />updated Land Use and Pathways Elements. The updated documents comprise <br />Phase 3 of the General Plan update project. The purpose of the project is to <br />correct errors and obsolete references and to produce a more accurate, legible, and <br />reproducible document that accurately depicts existing conditions in the Town. <br />Leslie Hopper, Consulting Planner, introduced members of the General Plan Update Committee <br />who were present: Mike O'Malley, Councilmember and Committee Chairman; Dot Schreiner <br />and Carol Gottlieb, former Planning Commissioners; Carl Cottrell, Planning Commissioner; and <br />Debbie Pedro, Planning Director. Former City Councilmember, Elayne Dauber and former <br />Planning Commissioner, Janet Vitu, were not in attendance. <br />Ms. Hopper gave a powerpoint presentation on the General Plan update project. She explained <br />that in the process of revising the elements of the General Plan, the Committee had updated <br />information, improved the format and added graphics. The General Plan policies and programs <br />were also reviewed. Draft copies of the updated elements were distributed to all related <br />Committees and Agencies for review and comment, and the General Plan Committee reviewed <br />the comments and incorporated changes into the General Plan draft. <br />Ms. Hopper discussed the terminology regarding open space easements, conservation easements, <br />and open space conservation areas, which had caused confusion because of the similarity in <br />terms and needed clarification. She also summarized some of the key policies and programs in <br />the updated General Plan regarding open space easements, green building, financing public <br />