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Staff Report m the Pluming Commission <br />Lands of Ascension Development LLC <br />26491 Ascension Drive <br />June 5, 2008 <br />Page 12 of 18 <br />which will be adequate to break up the view of the new residence from <br />surrounding properties and streets. All landscaping required for screening <br />purposes and for erosion control (as determined by the City Engineer) <br />must be installed prior to final inspection of the new residence. Particular <br />attention shall be given to the north and south perimeters where the <br />eucalyptuses are to be removed. Screening trees along the north <br />property line, along the driveway shall not exceed 15' in height. <br />6. The applicant shall replace the two (2) heritage oak trees removed without <br />prior Town approval with ten (10) 48" box oaks prior to final inspection. <br />7. A landscape maintenance deposit in the amount of $10,000 shall be posted <br />prior to final inspection. An inspection of the landscape to ensure <br />adequate establishment and maintenance shall be made two years after the <br />installation. The deposit will be released at that time if the plantings <br />remain viable. <br />8. Prior to beginning any grading operation, all significant trees, particularly <br />the heritage oak trees, are to be fenced at the drip line. The fencing shall be <br />of a material and structure (chain-link) to clearly delineate the drip line. <br />Town staff must inspect the fencing and the trees to be fenced prior to <br />commencement of grading. The property owner shall call for said <br />inspection at least three days in advance of the inspection. The fencing <br />must remain throughout the course of construction. No storage of <br />equipment, vehicles or debris shall be allowed within the drip lines of <br />these trees. Existing perimeter plantings shall be fenced and retained <br />throughout the entire construction period. <br />9. Prior to requesting the foundation inspection, a registered civil <br />engineer or licensed land surveyor shall certify in writing and state that <br />"the location of the new residence and roof eaves are no less than 40' <br />from the front property line and 30' from the side and rear property <br />lines." The elevation of the new residence shall be similarly certified in <br />writing to state that "the elevation of the new residence matches the <br />elevation and location shown on the Site Development plan." The <br />applicant shall submit the stamped and signed letter(s) to the <br />Planning Department prior to requesting a foundation inspection. <br />10. Prior to requesting the final framing inspection, a registered civil <br />engineer or licensed land surveyor shall certify in writing and state that <br />"the height of the new residence complies with the 27'-0" maximum <br />structure height, measured as the vertical distance at any point from the <br />