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Staff Report to the Planning Commission <br />Lands of Ascension Development LLC <br />26491 Ascension Drive <br />June 5, 2008 <br />Page 13 of 18 <br />bottom of the crawl space or basement ceiling if excavated below natural <br />grade, to the highest part of the structure directly above (including roof <br />materials)." The overall structure height shall be similarly certified in <br />writing and state that `all points of the building (including chimneys and <br />.appurtenances) lie within a thirty-five (35)foot horizontal band based, <br />measured from the lowest visible natural or finished grade topographical <br />elevation of the structure along the building line and the highest <br />topographical elevation of the roof of the structure." The applicant shall <br />submit the stamped and signed letter(s) to the Planning Department <br />prior to requesting a final framing inspection. <br />11. Standard swimming pool conditions: <br />a. Lights shall be designed so that the source is not visible from off-site. <br />b. Drainage outfall structures shall be constructed and located to the <br />satisfaction of the City Engineer. <br />c. Pool equipment shall be enclosed on all four sides with a roof for noise <br />mitigation and screening. <br />12. For swimming pools, at least one of the following safety features shall be <br />installed to the satisfaction of the Town Building Official: <br />a. The pool shall be isolated from access to the residence by an enclosure <br />(fencing). <br />b. The pool shall be equipped with an approved safety pool cover. <br />c. The residence shall be equipped with exit alarms on those doors <br />providing direct access to the pool. <br />d. All doors providing direct access from the home to the swimming pool <br />shall be equipped with a self-closing, self -latching device with a <br />release mechanism placed no lower than 54 inches above the floor. <br />13. Fences and gates are approved as shown on the site plan. Any new <br />fencing or gates shall require review and approval by the Planning <br />Department prior to installation. The fence along the front property line <br />shall not encroach or obstruct any easements. <br />14. Outdoor lighting is approved as shown on sheet El. There shall be one <br />light per door or two for double doors. The four (4) lights along the front <br />windows are not approved as redlined on sheet El and A4. No lighting <br />may be placed within setbacks except two entry or driveway lights. Any <br />additional outdoor lighting shall be approved by the Planning Department <br />prior to installation. <br />