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Staff Report to the Planning Co®ission <br />Lands of Ascension Developmeot LLC <br />26491 Ascension Drive <br />June 5, 2008 <br />Page 14 of 18 <br />15. Skylights, if utilized, shall be designed and constructed to reduce emitted <br />light (tinted or colored glass, or other material). No lighting may be placed <br />within skylight wells. <br />16. Fire retardant roofing (Class A) is required for all new construction. <br />17. All properties shall pay School District fees to either the Los Altos School <br />District or the Palo Alto Unified School District, as applicable, prior to <br />acceptance of plans for building plan check The applicant must take a <br />copy of worksheet #2 to school district offices (both elementary and high <br />school in the Los Altos School District), pay the appropriate fees and <br />provide the Town with a copy of the receipts. <br />ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT: - <br />18. As recommended by Cotton, Shires & Associates, Inc., in their report dated <br />December 12, 2007, the applicant shall comply with the following: <br />a. Geotechnical Plan Review — The applicant's geotechnical <br />consultant shall review and approve all geotechnical aspects of the <br />project building and grading plans (i.e., site preparation and <br />grading, site drainage improvements and design parameters for <br />foundations) to ensure that their recommendations have been <br />properly incorporated. The consultant should also provide <br />appropriate UBC seismic desiga parameters which reflect the site <br />location within 2 km of a type B fault. Furthermore, the consultant <br />should clarify the recommended basement slab and underlying <br />crushed rock thickness <br />The results of the plan review should be summarized by the <br />geotechnical consultant in a letter and submitted to the Town <br />Engineer for review prior to acceptance of plans for building plan <br />check <br />b. Geotechnical Field Inspection — The geotechnical consultant shall <br />inspect, test (as needed), and approve all geotechnical aspects of <br />the project construction. The inspections should include, but not <br />necessarily be limited to: site preparation and grading, site surface <br />and subsurface drainage improvements, and excavations for <br />foundations and retaining walls prior to the placement of steel and <br />concrete. The consultant should verify that the suitable bearing <br />