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Item 3.1
Planning Commission
Planning Commission Packets
June 5, 2008
Item 3.1
Entry Properties
Last modified
4/19/2016 2:33:36 PM
Creation date
12/1/2014 3:23:25 PM
Staff Report
Item Number
Item 3.1
A Site Development Permit for a New Residence with a Basement, Attached Secondary Dwelling Unit, Cabana, Swimming Pools and Spa. (Continued from May 1, 2008)
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Staff Report to the Planning Cownission <br />Lands of Ascension Development LLC <br />26491 Ascension Drive <br />June 5, 2008 <br />Page 3 of 18 <br />The main level has 5,533 sq. ft. of living space with a grand foyer, living room, dining <br />room, kitchen, great room, galleria, library, guest suite, master suite, two bedrooms with <br />bathrooms, laundry room, and a two (2) car garage. A 357 sq. ft. enlarged basement <br />lightwell is located on the west side of the residence and serves the dual function of an <br />egress as well as a sunken patio for the basement. <br />Driveway & Parking <br />The existing driveway will be removed and replaced with two new driveways which will <br />run along the side property lines connected by a circular portion along the front of the <br />residence. The two (2) driveways along the side property lines will be 12' wide and the <br />new circular portion will be 14' wide to comply with Fire Department requirements. <br />Pursuant to Section 10-1.601 of the Municipal Code, a total of five (5) parking spaces are <br />required because the proposed residence includes an attached secondary dwelling unit. <br />Two separate garages are proposed, one of which is a three (3) car garage located in the <br />basement and the other is a two (2) car garage at grade level. The driveway at the <br />northeast comer of the property will access the three (3) car basement garage. The <br />driveway at the southwest comer of the property will access the two (2) car garage on the <br />main floor of the house. <br />Outdoor Liehtine <br />The applicant is proposing fifteen shielded lights located on the exterior of the main <br />residence at the doorway, four (4) light fixtures along two of the front windows, and two <br />(2) on the cabana. (Lighting plan sheets El and AS). Staff has included condition #14 for <br />outdoor lighting, requiring that fixtures be down shielded or frosted glass, low wattage, <br />and shall not encroach or reflect on adjacent properties, and the four (4) light fixtures <br />along the windows are not approved. The applicant has submitted lighting specifications <br />indicating that all proposed fixtures will be shielded, downlights, or have frosted glass. <br />Trees & Landscaoine <br />According to the tree removal plan, a total of thirty-seven (37) trees are proposed to be <br />removed in order to construct the new residence, pool, and cabana. Trees to be removed <br />include eight (8) eucalyptus trees along the north and south property lines which currently <br />provide screening for the abutting neighbors at 26475 Ascension Drive (Lands of Dubey) <br />and 26555 Ascension Drive (Lands of Zunino). The location and list of the trees to be <br />removed are detailed on the tree removal plan (Sheet SUl) and the arborist report dated <br />May 10, 2008. (Attachment 15) To ensure that all remaining significant trees will be <br />protected throughout the construction period, staff has included condition of approval #8 <br />requiring that the trees within the vicinity of the construction be fenced for protection. <br />
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