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Staff Report to the Planning Comaission <br />Lands of Ascension Development LLC <br />26491 Ascension Drive <br />]we 5, 2008 <br />Page 4 of 18 <br />A landscape screening and erosion control plan will be required after framing of the new <br />residence (Condition of approval #5). Furthermore, any landscaping required for <br />screening or erosion control will be required to be planted prior to final inspection, and a <br />maintenance deposit to ensure viability of plantings will be collected prior to final <br />inspection. <br />Although not required at this time, the applicant has submitted a preliminary landscape <br />screening plan for the Commission to review. (Attachment 15) <br />Oak Tree Removal <br />Two neighbors have reported that heritage oak trees were removed prior to the submittal <br />of the application for planning review without a permit by the Town. Pursuant to Section <br />12-2.302 of the Municipal Code, a permit is required for the removal of a heritage oak <br />tree. The applicants have confirmed that two (2) heritage oaks, approximately 18" in <br />diameter were removed without benefit of Town approval. <br />Per Section 12-2.501 of the LAHMC, penalties for violating the above section "...may <br />include, but not be limited to, replacement of each tree removed or damaged by five (5) <br />forty-eight (48') inch box trees at locations approved by the Town and payment of a <br />multi-year bond to ensure these trees are maintained and cared for. " <br />Staff recommends replacement of the two (2) heritage oak trees with ten (10) 48" box <br />oaks and an increase of the landscape maintenance deposit to $10,000 (Conditions of <br />approval #6 & 7). <br />The applicant has consulted with the neighbors regarding their preference of replacement <br />trees and proposes the following instead: five (5) 20'H x 20'W olive trees which are <br />equivalent to 84" box, two (2) 24" box oaks and two (2) 36" box coast live oaks. The <br />proposed replacement trees are shown on the preliminary landscape screening plan. <br />(Attachment 15) <br />5 Olive 20'H x 20' W = 84"Box <br />2 Coast Live Oak 36" Box <br />2 Coast Live Oak 24'Box <br />