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Item 3.1
Planning Commission
Planning Commission Packets
June 5, 2008
Item 3.1
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Last modified
4/19/2016 2:33:36 PM
Creation date
12/1/2014 3:23:25 PM
Staff Report
Item Number
Item 3.1
A Site Development Permit for a New Residence with a Basement, Attached Secondary Dwelling Unit, Cabana, Swimming Pools and Spa. (Continued from May 1, 2008)
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Staff Report to the Planning Commission <br />Lands of Ascension Development LLC <br />26491 Ascension Drive <br />June 5, 2008 <br />Page 5 of 18 <br />Drainage <br />Water runoff generated from the new development will be collected and carried to an <br />onsite storm water detention system located at the south east comer of the property. The <br />water is then carried into the storm drain which runs along the south property line. <br />Pursuant to Section 10-2.503, Drainage Facilities Standards, of the Municipal Code, the <br />Engineering Department has reviewed and determined that the proposed drainage design <br />complies with Town requirements. The Engineering Department will review and approve <br />the final drainage plan prior to acceptance of plans for building plan check. Final "as - <br />built" grading and drainage will be inspected by the Engineering Department, and any <br />deficiencies will be required to be corrected prior to final inspection. <br />Grading Policy Exception <br />Total grading quantities for this project include 8,369 cubic yards of cut for the basement, <br />front yard, rear yard, driveways, backup area, swimming pool, spa, and cabana. The <br />Engineering Department has reviewed the proposed grading plan and concluded that it is <br />not in conformance with the Town's grading policy. <br />1. Driveway and backup area adjacent to the basement garage <br />The applicant is proposing up to 10'6" of cut along the north property line to <br />accommodate the driveway and backup area adjacent to the basement garage. <br />The original plans submitted by the applicant on November 30, 2007 showed a driveway <br />and backup area that complied with the 8' cut for the basement garage. In February 2008, <br />it was brought to staffs attention that the topographic survey prepared by Steven Arnold <br />Civil Engineering, Inc. dated November 27, 2007 may have been flawed. Engineering <br />staff investigated and confirmed that the survey in fact contained errors and portions of <br />the proposed basement would not meet the requirements of the basement ordinance. <br />On April 14, 2008, the applicant submitted a new topographic survey prepared by Lea & <br />Braze Engineering, Inc which corrected the errors. Based on the revised topographic <br />survey, the applicant had to lower the house an additional 6" and move it back 5' in order <br />to comply with the basement ordinance. However, as a result of this change, the <br />driveway cut necessary to access the basement garage now exceeds the 8' maximum <br />allowed per the Grading Policy. <br />Per the Towns Grading Policy, 'Driveway cut may be increased up to a maximum of <br />eight feet (89 for the portion of the driveway or backup area which is adjacent to a <br />garage that has been lowered with a similar amount of cut. " Additionally, requirements <br />
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