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Staff Report to the Planning Commission <br />Lands of Ascension Development LLC <br />26491 Ascension Drive <br />June 5, 2008 <br />Page 6 of 18 <br />for building siting are addressed in Section 10-2.702.c of the Los Altos Hills Municipal <br />Code: <br />"The location of all structures should create as little disturbance as <br />possible to the natural landscape. The amount of grading, excavation, or <br />fell shall be the minimum necessary to accommodate proposed structures, <br />unless grading is proposed to lower the profile of buildings. Additional <br />grading may be allowed for the purpose of lowering the profile of the <br />building provided that at the completion of the project the visual <br />alteration of the natural terrain is minimized The removal of vegetation <br />and alteration of drainage patterns shall be the minimum necessary to <br />accommodate the proposed structure. " <br />The Grading Policy is intended to be used by staff in evaluation and making <br />recommendations to the Planning Commission and/or City Council regarding site <br />development applications, and as guidance for applicants. Individual sites may dictate a <br />need to deviate from the criteria, to the extent permitted by the Planning Commission <br />and/or City Council. <br />If the proposed grading were to occur on a hillside or ridgeline property, the excavation <br />for the driveway and basement garage would result in massive retaining walls that are <br />highly visible and substantial visual alteration of the natural terrain in violation of Section <br />10-2.702.c of the Site Development Code. However, in this case, the affected area is <br />relatively flat and the proposed grading will help lower the profile of the new home. <br />Portions of the retaining walls will be below natural grade and will not be highly visible <br />from surrounding properties. In addition, the retaining walls facing the Ascension Drive <br />right of way will be terraced (4' max height) with planting areas in between to minimize <br />the visual impact to surrounding neighbors. <br />If the Commission decides to approve the Grading Policy Exception for the driveway and <br />backup area adjacent to the basement garage, Findings of Approval in Attachment 2 <br />should be cited. <br />2. Pool, spa, rear yard, and access ramp to secondary dwelling unit <br />Per the Town's Grading Policy, the maximum allowable cut for decks, yards, and other <br />areas is 4'. The applicant is requesting up to 7' of cut in the rear yard over an area of <br />approximately 11,600 square feet to create a flat pad for the pool, spa, and outdoor living <br />space. In addition, up to 16'6" of cut along the north property line is requested to <br />accommodate an access ramp to the secondary dwelling unit in the basement. <br />The purpose of the Town's grading policy is to assure that construction retains the <br />existing contours and basic landform of the site to the greatest extent feasible. In <br />