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Staff Report to the Planning Commission <br />Lands of Ascension Development LLC <br />26491 Ascension Drive <br />June 5, 2008 <br />Page 8 of 18 <br />generally conform to the limitations of the Town Grading Policy and the existing hillside <br />terrain. However, the Planning Commission has the discretion to approve grading levels <br />beyond standard requirements when the individual site dictates the need to deviate from <br />the criteria. <br />If the Commission decides to approve the project as proposed, staff should be directed to <br />prepare findings for approval of the Grading Policy Exception. <br />Neighbor Concerns <br />Throughout the plan review process the applicants have contacted the neighbors in an <br />attempt to resolve issues raised by Ashfaq & Ruma Munshi at 26450 Ascension Drive <br />and Vince Zunino at 26555 Ascension Drive. (Attachment 3) <br />On February 24, 2008, Mr. & Mrs. Munshi submitted a letter to the Town detailing their <br />concerns regarding the project (Attachment 4): <br />o The removal of heritage oak trees prior to submittal of the application for Town <br />review without first obtaining a permit <br />The applicants have confirmed the removal of two (2) heritage oak trees and staff <br />recommends their replacement per condition of approval #6. <br />o Because the street is narrow, parking along Ascension Drive will create safety <br />issues. The Munshi's did not wish to have construction parking along the street <br />or in front of their properties. <br />The applicants have submitted a construction operation plan which shows that all <br />construction parking will be located on the site, for the Commission to review <br />(Sheet C-6) <br />On April 24 and May 28, 2008, Mr. Zunino submitted letters to the Town detailing his <br />concerns regarding the project (Attachment 5): <br />o Sunlight encroachment -the proposed driveway along the north side property line <br />will not allow for screening trees to be located closer to the house, the trees will <br />need to be located closer to the north property line which will interfere with the <br />sun light into his pumpkin patch. <br />The applicants have submitted a preliminary screening plan as well as a section <br />view of the landscaping along the north property line for this area which shows <br />the maximum height of 15' screening trees which would be placed so as not affect <br />