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I h- <br /> RESOLUTION NO. 59-02 <br /> A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF LOS ALTOS HILLS TO <br /> AMEND THE GENERAL PLAN PATHAY ELEMENT MASTER PATH PLAN BY <br /> DELETING THE OFF-ROAD PATHWAY ROUTE DESIGNATED ALONG THE <br /> NORTHERN BOUNDARY OF THE PROPERTY AT 27125 TAAFFE ROAD (APN: 182- <br /> 47-008) #266-01-ZP. <br /> WHEREAS, the Town of Los Altos Hills ("Town") has received a request for an <br /> amendment to the General Plan Master Path Plan from Greg and Sandy Carse of <br /> 27125 Taaffe Road specifically requesting that the off-road pathway route designated <br /> by the Master Path Plan to run along their northern property boundary line be deleted <br /> and that the public pedestrian and equestrian easement be vacated; and <br /> WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on April 11, 2002 <br /> and recommends to the City Council that it approve the Negative Declaration and <br /> requested amendment to the General Plan Pathway Element "Master Path Plan"; and <br /> WHEREAS, the off-road path route designated on the 1981 Master Path Plan <br /> and proposed for deletion, (see attached Exhibit A) is not consistent with,the general <br /> purposes and policies established for off-road paths as set forth in the1996 General <br /> Plan Pathway Element in that: 1. The off-road pathway route does not provide a <br /> connection to nearby schools, 2. The path route does not provide a necessary <br /> connection to public open space, 3. The path does not provide a necessary connection <br /> between cul-de-sacs or adjacent neighborhoods; and <br /> WHEREAS, the off-road path route is not a "critical link" or "critical component" of <br /> Town's pedestrian/ equestrian circulation system and is in fact a redundant link <br /> duplicating the route already served by the existing Taaffe Roadside Pathway; and <br /> WHEREAS, the off-road path route location is highly visible from adjacent homes <br /> and backyards and is not consistent with the Town's 1996 Pathway Element <br /> Implementation Action #8 that states: "Site Development authorities shall be sensitive to <br /> path location and design. This is especially the case for off-road pathways;" and <br /> WHEREAS, the off-road path easement is located on steep terrain that is not <br /> safe and convenient to traverse and does not conform to the Town's Municipal Code <br /> Section 10-2.606 which states that pathway easements "shall not be located on terrain <br /> that-cannot be safely or conveniently traversed by_.pedestrians or equestrians;" and ; <br /> WHEREAS, the off-road path route is not necessary nor feasible for emergency <br /> access or evacuation; and <br /> WHEREAS, the Taaffe Roadside Pathway and other nearby pathways <br /> adequately accommodate the current and future pedestrian/ equestrian circulation <br /> L:\Users\ccahill\My Documents\CARSE PATHWAY\CC Resolution 4-18-02 GPA-Carse.doc <br /> 1 <br />