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• • <br /> RESOLUTION NO. 63-01 <br /> RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF LOS ALTOS HILLS <br /> TO APPROVE AMENDED AND RESTATED <br /> JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT FOR LIBRARY SERVICES <br /> WHEREAS, the cities of Campbell, Cupertino, Gilroy,Los Altos,Los Altos Hills, <br /> Milpitas,Monte Sereno,Morgan Hill and Saratoga(hereinafter"Cities"), and the County of <br /> Santa Clara,representing the unincorporated area of the County(collectively referred to as <br /> "Members"), executed a Joint Powers Agreement in 1994 to create an entity for the delivery of <br /> library services throughout the Members' Jurisdiction (hereinafter the "Agency") and for the levy <br /> of a benefit assessment to finance a portion of its operations; and <br /> WHEREAS, the Agency desires to amend and restate the agreement for Joint Powers to <br /> update its contractual relationship and to enable the Agency to explore funding options, such as a <br /> Mello-Roos Community Facilities District or other funding mechanisms; and <br /> WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Los Altos Hills finds that the public health, <br /> safety and economic welfare of its constituency will be benefitted by adoption of the Amended <br /> and Restated Joint Powers Agreement for the delivery of library services within its jurisdiction. <br /> NOW, THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED that the members of the City Council of the <br /> City of Los Altos Hills: <br /> 1. Adopts the Amended and Restated Joint Powers Agreement; and <br /> 2. Approves and consents to the formation of financing districts and mechanisms, <br /> including but not limited to formation of a Mello-Roos Community Facilities District, and the <br /> call of an election for the approval of a vote of the electors; and <br /> 1 <br />