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• • <br /> EXCEPTING THEREFROM ALL OF THE FOLLOWING: <br /> 1. All of Parcel 1, as said parcel is shown on said Map and being more particularly <br /> described as follows: <br /> BEGINNING at the most easterly corner of said Parcel 2, said point being on the <br /> westerly right-of-way line of Elena Road, formerly Purissima Avenue, as said Avenue is <br /> shown on said Map; thence along said westerly right-of-way line South 10°04'20" West, <br /> a distance of 416.12 feet to the southerly line of said Parcel 2;thence along said southerly <br /> line South 68°24'13" West, a distance of 16.78 feet; thence leaving said line North <br /> 20°21'55" west, a distance of 288.13; thence North 55°39'35" West, a distance of 47.36 <br /> feet to the easterly line of said Parcel 1 and the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; thence <br /> along the exterior line of said Parcel 1 the following seven courses: <br /> 1) South 22°40'24"East, a distance of 169.93 feet <br /> 2) South 68°58'00"West, a distance of 194.00 feet <br /> 3) North 66°23'18" West, a distance of 108.00 feet <br /> 4) North 21°46'19" West, a distance of 180.00 feet <br /> 5) North 74°05'06"East, a distance of 172.00 feet <br /> 6) South 74°57'07"East, a distance of 120.00 feet <br /> 7) South 22°40'24"East, a distance of 37.91 feet to the TRUE POINT OF <br /> BEGINNING and containing an area of 1.36671 acres,more or less. <br /> 2. All that certain easement described as Parcel Three, as said Parcel is described in <br /> Document Number 13495078, filed for record on October 24, 1996 in the Office <br /> of the Recorder of Santa Clara County and being more particularly described as <br /> follows: <br /> Beginning at a point in the northwesterly line of that certain tract of land described in the <br /> Deed from August J. Burch et ux, to Harold R. Sherman et ux, dated November 1, 1950, <br /> recorded November 9, 1951 in Book 2314 Official Records, page 3, Santa Clara County <br /> Records, distant thereon South 68°24'13" West 52.07 feet from an iron pipe set at the <br /> Northernmost corner thereof in the center line of Purissima Avenue; thence from said <br /> point of beginning North 20°21'55" West 288.13 feet to an iron pipe; thence North <br /> 55°39'35"West 47.36 feet to a point in a Northeasterly line of Parcel One as shown upon <br /> the Map of Tract No. 2429 filed for record on January 15, 1960 in Book 115 of Maps, <br /> page 53, and the terminus of said easement and containing an area of 0.18484 acres,more <br /> or less. <br /> 3. All of thos lands within that certain pathwAy easement described in Document <br /> Number 5 3t1 filed for record on ntr, 4 , R`° n the Office of the <br /> Recorder of Santa Clara County, contained within the herein described Parcel 2 <br /> and containing an area of 0.36526 acres,more or less <br /> Exhibit"B" <br /> Page 4 of 5 <br />