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..• . . <br /> . ! <br /> PARCEL 2: <br /> An easement for the purpose of maintaining the existing septic tank drainfields and the <br /> drains and pipes thereof and for septic tank drainage, including the entry on the surface of <br /> said real property for the purpose of repair and maintenance thereof described in <br /> Document Number 3758966, filed for record on January 28, 1970 in the Office of the <br /> Recorder of Santa Clara County, and is described as follows: <br /> All that certain real property in the Town of Los Altos Hills, County of Santa Clara, State <br /> of California and being a portion of Lot 72, as shown on that certain Map entitled "Map <br /> of the Subdivision of Lot 2 and a Part of Lot 1 of the Taaffe Partition"recorded in Book <br /> "H" of Maps at Pages 76 and 77, Santa Clara County Records and being more <br /> particularly described as follows: <br /> BEGINNING at a found granite monument marked M.J.T. 3 at a southwesterly corner of <br /> Lot 71 as shown on aforesaid map; thence along the westerly line of said Lots 71 and 72 <br /> North 18°34'51" West 628.77 feet to a set 1" iron pipe; thence leaving said westerly line <br /> North 71°30'28" East 311.25 feet to a set 1" iron pipe; thence North 18°29'32" West <br /> 112.71 feet to a set 1" iron pipe; thence North 27°10'44" East 54.91 feet to an easterly <br /> line of the Lands of Back and the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; thence along said <br /> easterly line North 18°35'20" West 127.16 feet to a found 3/4" iron pipe; thence North <br /> 53°09'53" West 200.37 feet to a found 3/4" iron pipe; thence leaving said easterly line <br /> South 62°50'51" East 219.92 feet to a set 1" iron pipe; thence South 18°47'37" East <br /> 95.58 feet to a set 1" iron pipe; thence South 27°10'44" West 55.98 feet to the TRUE <br /> POINT OF BEGINNING and containing an area of 0.18729 acres,more or less. <br /> PARCEL 3: <br /> All that real property situate in the Town of Los Altos Hills, County of Santa Clara, State <br /> of California, being all of the lands of the Packard Trust as described in Document <br /> Number 13495077, filed for record on October 24, 1996 in the Office of the Recorder of <br /> Santa Clara County, being all of Parcel 2, as said parcel is shown on that certain Map <br /> filed for record on January 15, 1960 in Book 115 of Maps at Page 53, in the Office of the <br /> Recorder of Santa Clara County and being more particularly described as follows: <br /> BEGINNING at the most easterly corner of said Parcel 2, said point being on the <br /> centerline of Elena Road, formerly Purissima Avenue, as said Avenue is shown on said <br /> Map; thence along said centerline South 10°04'20" West, a distance of 392.06 feet to the <br /> Exhibit"A" <br /> Page 2 of 4 <br />