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O <br /> RESOLUTION NO. 25-00 <br /> A RESOLUTION TO EXPEDITE IMPLEMENTATION OF AB1149 <br /> WHICH RECOGNIZES THE NEED TO AMEND RULES FOR THE <br /> REPLACEMENT OF OVERHEAD ELECTRIC AND <br /> COMMUNCATIONS FACILITIES. <br /> WHEREAS, the State of California passed Assembly Bill 1149, which <br /> recognizes the need to amend, revise, and improve rules for the replacement of overhead <br /> electric and communications facilities with underground facilities; and <br /> WHEREAS, the California Public Utilities Commission("CPUC"), has opened a <br /> proceeding to implement Assembly Bill 1149 which will consider comments of <br /> stakeholders and produce recommendations for improving the CPUC utility <br /> undergrounding program. <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the Town <br /> of Los Altos Hills strongly urges the CPUC to rapidly accelerate the undergrounding <br /> program, to establish a statewide goal to complete the conversion of overhead to <br /> underground utilities in urban and suburban areas no later than 25 years from January 1, <br /> 2001, and to authorize local jurisdictions to implement the program for completion within <br /> a 25-year schedule. <br /> BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council of the Town of Los Altos <br /> Hills strongly urges the CPUC, as a fundamental principle, to authorize local jurisdictions <br /> to establish underground districts with boundaries that seek to maximize the continuity of <br /> underground districts and are in accordance with locally determined priorities. Further, <br /> such priorities shall include, but not be limited to, public safety, service reliability, <br /> economic development and aesthetics. The CPUC shall identify ways to significantly <br /> increase undergrounding funds and ensure funds are spent in a timely and cost-effective <br /> fashion using state-of-the-art designs and construction practices. The CPUC shall ensure <br /> significant improvement in utility administration of the undergrounding program to avoid <br /> delay in the installation of underground facilities. The CPUC shall require the utilities to <br /> disclose the historic use of Rule 20 funds to each local jurisdiction and allow jurisdictions <br /> to recapture any unused funds from the statewide pool and/or their past allocations; and <br /> require the utilities to annually report the expenditures for each district in each local <br /> jurisdiction to the CPUC and each jurisdiction. <br />