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<br /> Exhibit"A" -' ,
<br /> 0 co
<br /> Legal Description of the s
<br /> 10 foot Street Dedication for the ''.411 72('
<br /> Lands of Thrun
<br /> 13818 Page Mill Road
<br /> Los Altos Hills, California
<br /> '/L6
<br /> /
<br /> The land referred to is situated in the Town of Los Altos Hills, County of Santa Clara,
<br /> State of California, and is described as follows:
<br /> Commencing at an iron pipe set in the Northeasterly line of Page Mill Road at the most
<br /> Westerly corner of that certain 46 acre tract of land described in the deed from Claire
<br /> Howard Ross to Courtenay J. Moon, et ux, dated August 24, 1943 and recorded August
<br /> 27, 1943 in Book 1159 of Official Records,Page 152,of the County of Santa Clara;
<br /> thence along said Northeasterly line of Page Mill Road, South 41° 35' East, 16.20 feet to
<br /> the centerline of a private road;thence along the centerline of said private road,North 70°
<br /> 38' East, 927.38 feet to an angle point therein;thence South 14° 14' 25"East, 15.05 feet
<br /> to an angle point in the Southerly line of said private road; thence along the Southerly
<br /> line of said private road;North 87° 01' East, 73.66 feet to the Point of Beginning of the
<br /> following described parcel;thence leaving said private road,North 87° 01' East, 145.18
<br /> feet to the Easterly boundary line of that certain parcel of land conveyed by Courtenay J.
<br /> Moon, et ux,to William F. Talbot, et ux,by Deed dated January 6, 1950 and recorded
<br /> January 10, 1950 in Book 1906 of Official Records,Page 213;thence along said Easterly
<br /> line, South 18° 45' 25"East, .02 feet,to a point on a line parallel, and 10.00 feet distant,
<br /> measured at a right angle,with the southerly right of way line of Moon Lane, a private
<br /> road; thence along said parallel line,North 83° 04' 30"East, 140.35 feet; thence
<br /> continuing along a line parallel, and 10 feet distant,measured at a right angle,with the
<br /> southerly right of way line of Moon Lane, a private road, South 89° 06' 25" East, 303.71
<br /> feet; thence, continuing along a line parallel, and 10 feet distant,measured at a right
<br /> angle,with the southerly right of way line of Moon Lane,a private road,North 45°48'
<br /> 15"East, 34.76 feet; thence,North 56° 52' 13"West, 10.25 feet,thence along the
<br /> Southerly line of said private road,the following courses and distances;South 45° 48'
<br /> 15"West,28.36 feet;thence North 89° 06' 25" West, 300.24 feet;thence South 83° 04'
<br /> 30"West,285.87 feet,to the POINT OF BEGINNING, and being a portion of the
<br /> Rancho La Purissima Concepcion.
<br /> Containing an area of 5,465 square feet,more or less.
<br /> Sheet 1 of 3 Sheets
<br /> Resolution No.45-11 Page 5
<br />