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• • <br /> WHEREAS, on August 6, 2010,the City Council held a lawfully noticed Public Hearing <br /> to allow interested persons to object to or inquire about the proposed voluntary contractual <br /> assessment, and to consider the Report; and, <br /> WHEREAS,the City Council desires to confirm the Report, confirm the assessments, <br /> and submit the voluntary contractual assessments described in this Resolution to the Santa Clara <br /> County Tax Collector for collection on the tax roll, in accordance with the terms and period <br /> described herein. <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the Town of Los Altos Hills does hereby <br /> RESOLVE as follows: <br /> 1. The foregoing recitals are true and correct and made a part of the Resolution. <br /> 2. The documents and other material constituting the record for these proceedings <br /> are located at the Engineering &Public Works Department for the Town of Los <br /> Altos Hills, 26379 Fremont Road, Los Altos Hills, CA 94022, and in the custody <br /> of City Engineer/Public Works Director Richard Chiu. <br /> 3. The attachments to this Resolution, including Exhibit A, Resolution of Intention, <br /> Exhibit B, Boundaries of Eastbrook Subdivision Tract 5801 Contractual <br /> Assessment District No. 2010-1, Exhibit C, Descriptions of Parcels included in <br /> the Eastbrook Subdivision Tract 5801 Contractual Assessment District No. 2010- <br /> 1, and Exhibit D, Report, are each incorporated by reference and made a part of <br /> this Resolution as if set forth fully herein. <br /> 4. It is convenient and advantageous to create the Eastbrook Subdivision Tract 5801 <br /> Contractual Assessment District No. 2010-1, a voluntary contractual assessment <br /> district created pursuant to California Streets and Highway Code, Sections <br /> 5898.10, et seq., to finance certain sanitary sewer improvements for the Eastbrook <br /> Subdivision Tract 5801, within the service area of the Town of Los Altos Hills, <br /> whereby the Participating Property Owners for properties identified in Exhibit C, <br /> have agreed and will pay as part of the County tax assessment on the properties <br /> identified in Exhibit C, funds for the construction of the certain sanitary sewer <br /> improvements. Payments shall be made in the amount, and for the period <br /> specified in the Engineer's Report, terminating with a final payment as part of the <br /> April 2023 tax assessment. <br /> 5. Pursuant to its Resolution of Intention(Resolution No.38-10, attached as Exhibit <br /> A), the City Council indicated its intention to create the Eastbrook Subdivision <br /> Tract 5801 Contractual Assessment District No. 2010-1, identified and approved <br /> the boundaries and seven parcels to be included in the Eastbrook Subdivision <br /> Tract 5801 Contractual Assessment District No. 2010-1 (attached as Exhibit B), <br /> directed City Engineer/Public Works Director Richard Chiu, to prepare the report <br /> required by California Streets and Highways Code Section 5898.22 ("Report," <br /> attached as Exhibit D); and established August 6, 2010 as the date for a public <br />