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Los Altos Hills Trail Projects: Staircase Design at property line of lot #28600 <br /> Task 4.Construction Documents <br /> Based on the Town's design preference,Jakaby Engineering will prepare construction documents, <br /> specifications and estimate of probable costs for the staircase improvements within the budget provided for <br /> this task <br /> 4.1 Staircase Design 100%Plans,Estimate,and Specifications <br /> Jakaby"Engineering will revise and complete the preliminary engineering plans,and prepare details,technical <br /> specifications(to be included on the plan sheets)and update the estimate of probable costs based on direction <br /> from the Town,transmit the plans,specifications,and estimate to the Town for final review,and attend a <br /> meeting to review the materials <br /> Task 5.Bid Set Finalization <br /> 5.1 Bid Set Preparation <br /> Jakaby Engineering and Alta will coordinate to finalize and assemble the bid set(cover sheet and general notes, <br /> staircase design,technical specifications,estimate of probable costs,engineering stamp and the bid form) <br /> 5.2 Final Plan Check <br /> Alta will transmit the final draft documents to the Town and respond to one round of comments from the <br /> Town regarding the final bid set The Town will be responsible for all other contract documents and bidding <br /> and contracting steps,including reproduction,except as authorized separately <br /> Optional Additional Tasks <br /> •: Construction staking and field layout of staircase byJakaby Engineering or Tim Best <br /> Jakaby Engineering or Tim Best can provide field overview for contractor staking and layout We can provide a <br /> fee estimate for this task once the stairway design is finalized. <br /> Alta Planning a•Design 13 <br />