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'1I • • • <br /> II� <br /> 2. Pursuant to Streets and Highways Code Section 8333(a) the Town hereby <br /> summarily vacates those certain pathway easements (or portions thereof)set forth below: <br /> Those portions of the following 10'wide pathway easements as shown upon <br /> the Final Map for Tract 4215, recorded September 30, 1966 in Book 215 of Maps <br /> at pages 6 and 7, official Records of Santa Clara County, and more particularly <br /> described as follows: <br /> (a) Lot 10: Beginning at the southeasterly corner of said lot, thence <br /> South 76° 12' 00" West 53.98 feet; thence North 62° , 50' 00" West 15.25 <br /> feet; thence North 76° 12':00" East 67.11 feet; thence South 4° 38' 57" East <br /> 10.13 feet to the point of beginning. <br /> (b) Lot 11: All of the 10' pathway easement adjacent to the southerly <br /> boundary of said lot <br /> (c) Lot 12:All of the 10' pathway easement adjacent to the southerly and <br /> easterly boundaries of said lot. <br /> (d) Lot 13: All of the 10' pathway easement adjacent to the easterly <br /> boalndan, of-said lot. - <br /> (e) Lot 14: Beginning at the northeasterly corner of said lot;thence South <br /> 18° 43' 00" East 291.71 feet; thence North 64° 07' 10" West 14.04 feet; <br /> thence North 18° 43' 00" West 281.85 feet; thence North 71° 17' 00" East <br /> 10.00 feet to the point of beginning. <br /> (f) Lot 15: All of the 10' pathway easement adjacent to the easterly <br /> boundary of said lot. <br /> (g) Lot 16: All of the 10' pathway easement adjacent to the easterly <br /> boundary of said lot. <br /> (h) Lot 17: Beginning at the southeasterly corner of said lot,thence South <br /> 71° 17' 00" West 10.00 feet; thence North 18° 43' 00" West 252.41 feet; <br /> thence North 44° 55' 35" East 11.16 feet; thence South 18° 43' 00" East <br /> 257.36 feet to the point of beginning. <br /> 3. The pathway easements (or portions thereof) dedicated for public use on the <br /> Final Map for Tract No.4215 recorded September 30, 1966 in Book 215 of Maps at pages <br /> 6 and 7, official records of Santa Clara County that are not vacated in Section 2 of this <br /> Resolution are all hereby accepted by the Town. <br /> 2 N:\Data\Clients\L\LAH\Res\DezaharaWy.rut <br />