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• • <br /> LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR CONSERVATION EASEMENT OVER LANDS OF YAM AND <br /> TO AT 10475 ALBERTSWORTH LANE, LOS ALTOS HILLS (APN: 336-36-009 AND 010). <br /> A parcel of land lying within Lots 7 and 8 as said Lots are shown upon that certain Map <br /> entitled "TRACT NO.1618 ALBERTSWORTH ESTATES...", which map was filed for record <br /> in the Office of the Recorder of Santa Clara County, State of California on January 11, 1956 in <br /> Book 66 of Maps at Pages 22 and 23, and being more particularly described as follows: <br /> BEGINNING at the most Westerly corner of said Lot 8; thence along the Westerly line <br /> of-said Lot 8, N 11'18' 20" E, 155.00 feet; thence leavi'ng the said Westerly line of Lot 8 and <br /> running S 23'38' 30" E, 121.60 feet, S 74'40' 43" E, 70.41 feet and S 83'26' 00" E, 167.50 feet <br /> to an angle point in the Southeasterly line of said Lot 7; thence along said lines of Lot 7 and Lot <br /> 8, S 22'10' 00" W 86.00 feet, N 70'30' 40" W 118.95 feet and N 7T36' 10" W, 172.91 feet <br /> to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Said Parcel containing 21,918.3 square feet of land, more or <br /> less. <br /> This Parcel is shown upon attached Exhibit "B" and is made a part hereof. <br /> Exhibit "B" <br /> ��. <br /> Bq9 °)O <br /> 61 <br /> EXP. w <br /> qp 71,1, Uc.it7044 Atir <br />