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• • <br /> Town of Los Altos Hills <br /> Personnel Rules and Regulations <br /> will accord the employee an increase of at least five percent over his/her <br /> current regular compensation. <br /> 7.6.2 Call Out Pay <br /> Should an employee need to respond to a call during off-duty hours, <br /> he/she will be compensated for hours worked at their regular hourly rate or <br /> overtime rate as applicable. Employees will be compensated for a <br /> minimum of two (2) hours for each response to a call out. <br /> 7.6.3 Salary&ted-Placement/Advancement <br /> The Compensation Plan is designed to establish a reasonable range of <br /> wages for each position of employment, and allows for adequate <br /> budgetary appropriations be made for salary costs each fiscal year. The <br /> plan provides flexibility in wages in order to compensate for an employee's <br /> increased competence, experience and value added to the organization. <br /> Ferr this reasGR, s ries are toh^�isten�rtwith the appliGable steps <br /> the-Ge -laR. No salary advancement shall be made so as to <br /> exceed any maximum rate established in the Compensation Plan for the <br /> employee's position. <br /> Initial Step-Placement <br /> New employees or those assigned to new classifications shall be <br /> assigned t^ that salary within the range for the classification <br /> which the City Manager, with recommendation from the <br /> appropriate department head, finds to be most appropriate <br /> according to the experience, past performance, educational <br /> accomplishments and other qualifications of the employee <br /> concerned, provided adequate budgetary appropriations exist. <br /> Salary S#ep-Advancement <br /> Advancement fr^m step to—stela-within a salary range may, but will <br /> not automatically, occur at intervals of one (1) year in length <br /> effective with each satisfactory performance review. An exception <br /> may be made for newly hired or promoted employees, who shall <br /> have a salary advancement review six (6) months after their date <br /> of initial hire or promotion. The salary advancement review shall <br /> be contingent upon recommendation of the City Manager, based <br /> upon his/her review of the employee's performance, including but <br /> not limited to review of the following factors: increased service <br /> value of an employee to the Town, as exemplified by <br /> recommendations of his/her department head, performance <br />