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• <br /> 410 <br /> • <br /> RESOLUTION NO. 27-99 <br /> RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF <br /> THE TOWN OF LOS ALTOS HILLS <br /> ORDERING THE PERFORMANCE OF CERTAIN WORK <br /> The City Council of the Town of Los Altos Hills does RESOLVE as follows: <br /> Section 1. The City Council hereby approves and adopts plans and specifications <br /> for certain work in the Town known as the Pavement Management Project FY98-99. <br /> Section 2. Due to public interest and convenience, the City Council hereby orders <br /> that the work and improvement, as set forth and described in said plans and <br /> specifications, be performed. The City Council further orders that all said work and <br /> improvement will be done under the direction of the City Engineer of the Town, and all <br /> the work and all the materials used in connection therewith shall be furnished under the <br /> direction of and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer, and all the work shall be done in <br /> accordance with said plans and specifications. <br /> Section 3. Not less than the prevailing rate of per diem wages and holiday and <br /> overtime work referred to above shall be paid for any work proposed to be performed in <br /> the performance of the public work under said plans and specifications. <br /> Section 4. The City Clerk of the Town is hereby directed to publish by two (2) <br /> successive publications in the Los Altos Town Crier, a newspaper published and <br /> circulated in Santa Clara County, there being no newspaper published in the Town, and <br /> not less than five (5) days apart, a Notice inviting sealed proposals or bids for the <br /> construction of said work and improvement and referring to the Plans and Specifications <br /> on file in the Office of the City Clerk, the first of which publications shall be at least ten <br /> (10) days prior to the time fixed for opening bids. <br /> Section 5. All proposals or bids shall be accompanied by a certified check <br /> payable to the order of the Town, or cash, amounting to ten percent (10%) of the bid, or <br /> by a bond in said amount and payable to the Town, signed by a corporate surety or by the <br /> bidder and two sureties who shall justify before any officer competent to administer an <br /> oath, in double said amount and over and above all statutory exemptions. The check shall <br /> be forfeited, or the bond shall become payable to the Town, in case the bidder depositing <br /> the same does not, after the contract has been awarded to him, and within the time <br /> specified in said plans and specifications, enter into a contract, in form as set forth in said <br /> specifications, with the Town, the faithful performance of which shall be assured by an <br /> undertaking in the amount of one hundred percent (100%) of the amount so bid, with <br /> sureties satisfactory to the Town, and which shall be accompanied by a payment bond <br />