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• • <br /> INTERIM CITY MANAGER <br /> AGREEMENT <br /> This Interim City Manager Agreement ("Agreement") is made and entered into <br /> effective the 3rd day of June , 1999 by and between the Town of Los Altos Hills <br /> ("Town") and William Carver Norton ("Norton"). <br /> RECITALS <br /> 1.. The Town desires to enter into an agreement with Norton for Norton to serve <br /> as the Interim City Manager for the Town. <br /> 2. Norton desires to act as the Interim City Manager for the Town. <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of their mutual covenants, the Town and <br /> Norton do hereby agree as follows: <br /> 1. Services to be Performed. Norton shall act as the Interim City Manger by <br /> performing the duties and responsibilities and exercising the authority of the City Manager, <br /> in accordance with the Town's Municipal Code,the terms,conditions and specifications set <br /> forth herein and as stated in the City Manager Job Description, attached hereto as Exhibit <br /> A. Norton shall work an average of forty (40) hours per week, excepting official Town <br /> holidays, and the Town acknowledges that the time of these hours may be flexible. <br /> 2. Term. The term of this Agreement shall commence on June 7, 1999, and <br /> shall run until this Agreement is terminated, as set forth below; provided that, in the event <br /> Norton's services are needed for greater than nine hundred and sixty (960) hours, Norton <br /> shall, with Council's direction, take an unpaid leave of absence and shall be reinstated at <br /> the beginning of the 2000 calendar year. Such reinstatement shall comply with all the <br /> provisions of this Agreement. <br /> 3. Compensation. In consideration for the services set out in Section 1 above <br /> the Town shall pay Norton Eight Thousand and Four Hundred Dollars ($8,400) per month <br /> ("Compensation"). The Compensation shall be prorated on a daily basis for the first and <br /> last months during which Norton serves as Interim City Manager. Other than the <br /> aforementioned Compensation, Norton shall receive no other compensation or benefits, <br /> including but not limited to CaIPERS and health insurance. <br /> 4. Use of Town Automobile. In addition to Compensation, Norton shall be <br /> allowed use of the Town Automobile for Town related business. Town related business <br /> shall not include transportation to and from work. <br /> 5. Non-assignability. Norton shall not assign this Agreement or any portion <br /> thereof to a third party without the prior written consent of Town, and any attempted <br /> 1 N:\DATA\Clients\L\LAHWdmin\NorW.agm <br />