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RESOLUTION NO. 49-99 <br /> A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF LOS <br /> ALTOS HILLS AMENDING THE 1998-99 CAPITAL BUDGET TO <br /> INCLUDE SANTA CLARA COUNTY'S MEASURE B PAVEMENT <br /> MANAGEMENT PROGRAM FUNDS,AND ADDITIONAL FUNDING <br /> FOR THE TOWN'S PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT CIP PROJECT <br /> WHEREAS, the City Council did, on October 21, 1998, approve and adopt <br /> the Capital Improvement Project(CIP) Budget for the Town of Los Altos Hills <br /> for the 1998-99 Capital Year, and <br /> WHEREAS, the Council has also approved and authorized execution of the <br /> 1996 Measure B Pavement Management Program Cooperative Agreements <br /> with the Valley Transportation Authority and Santa Clara County, which <br /> provides for an initial allocation to the Town of$164,269, and <br /> WHEREAS, the City Council has reviewed the contract for the Town's <br /> Management Project 467901,to be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder in <br /> the amount of$765,579, and <br /> WHEREAS, the City Council now seeks to approve and fund this contract, <br /> including a provision for construction staking, inspection expenses and <br /> contract change orders; <br /> WHEREAS, execution, of the contract and provisions will create a budget <br /> deficit of$81,875 for the Pavement Management project#467901, <br /> NOW THEREFORE, the City Council of the Town of Los Altos Hills does <br /> RESOLVE as follows: <br /> 1. The City Council does hereby approve and adopt an appropriation of <br /> $164,269 for the 1998-99 Pavement Management capital project, to be <br /> funded from the Town's allocation of Measure B Pavement Management <br /> Program funds, and <br /> 2. The City Council does hereby approve and adopt an additional <br /> appropriation of $81,875.00 to allow adequate funding of the contract, <br /> staking, inspection charges and change orders. <br /> 3. The total appropriated amount of the Capital Improvement Budget for each <br /> account area of the Capital Projects Budget may be drawn upon in the form <br /> of warrants issued for payments of demands and certified in accordance <br />