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• • <br /> RESOLUTION NO. 12-08 <br /> A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF LOS ALTOS HILLS <br /> INITIATING PROCEEDINGS PURSUANT TO THE MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENT ACT <br /> OF 1913 FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF SEWER WORKS AND IMPROVEMENTS IN THE <br /> WEST LOYOLA NEIGHBORHOOD <br /> ********************** <br /> IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED by the City Council of the Town of Los Altos Hills as follows: <br /> 1. The residents of the West Loyola neighborhood comprising 53 parcels along West Loyola <br /> Drive, Berkshire Drive, Eloise Circle, Chardonnay Lane and parts of Roily Road circulated a <br /> petition by and amongst themselves as to whether to request the City Council form an <br /> assessment district to pay for the construction of sewer improvements in the neighborhood. <br /> 2. Having received a petition from eighty-five percent(85%) of the residents of the West Loyola <br /> Neighborhood in favor of forming a benefit assessment district the City Council proposes to <br /> initiate proceedings to form an assessment district pursuant to the Municipal Improvement Act of <br /> 1913 (being Section 10000 and following of the California Streets and Highways Code, <br /> hereinafter the "Act") and to assess the costs thereof upon the properties benefited by the <br /> construction(as defined in the Act) of sewer works and improvements (herein"the sewer <br /> work"), all in connection with the proposed West Loyola Sewer.Assessment District No. 1 (the <br /> "Assessment District"). <br /> 3. The costs and expenses of the proposed construction work are to be chargeable upon said <br /> Assessment District, the exterior boundaries of which are the exterior boundaries of the <br /> composite and consolidated areas as more particularly shown on a map filed in the office of the <br /> City Clerk,titled"Boundary Map West Loyola Sewer Assessment District No. 1", which <br /> indicates by a boundary line the extent of the territory included in the proposed Assessment <br /> District and shall govern for all details as to the extent of said Assessment District. <br /> 4. The Town will issue bonds having a thirty(30)year term or such other term or terms as <br /> advised by bond counsel that would be secured and paid for by assessments on the benefited <br /> property owners. The assessments would be collected as part of the property tax bills for the <br /> benefited properties over the bonds' term(s). Through the assessment process, benefited property <br /> owners would pay (1) all costs to design and construct the sewer line and the lateral to their <br /> properties, (2) the interest on the bonds, (3) the costs of issuance (bond counsel, engineer, etc.) <br /> and(4) connection fees for the parcels of the benefit assessment district. Each of the parcels <br /> would be assessed equally for all costs, expenses and fees. The Town would construct and own <br /> the main line. <br /> 5. The involved construction work is hereby referred to the Engineer of Work, being a <br /> competent person employed by the City Council for purposes of these proceedings, and the <br /> Engineer of Work is hereby directed to cause to be prepared and to be filed with the City Clerk, <br /> 1050929.1 Final <br />