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• • <br /> an Engineer's Report in writing containing all matters required by Section 10204 and following <br /> of the California Streets and Highways Code,presenting the following: <br /> a. Plans and specifications showing and describing existing and proposed sewer <br /> improvements to be constructed; <br /> b. A general description of sewer works or appliances already installed and any other <br /> property necessary or convenient for the operation of the improvements, if the works, <br /> appliances, or property are to be maintained, serviced and/or operated as part of the <br /> improvements to be constructed; <br /> c. An Engineer's estimate of the costs and expenses of constructing the public lands and <br /> sewer improvements proposed to be constructed, being the total costs and expenses of <br /> constructing all existing and proposed public lands and sewer improvements, including <br /> all incidental expenses and any costs of registering bonds. If the City Council orders that <br /> private utility damages be included in the assessment,the report will contain an estimate <br /> of the private utility damages. The report will contain an estimate of the amount of the <br /> assessment for each of the first five years during which the assessment will be levied; <br /> d. A diagram showing all of the following: <br /> 1 the exterior boundaries of the Assessment District; <br /> (2) the boundaries of any zones within the Assessment District; and <br /> (3) the lines and dimensions of each parcel of land within the Assessment <br /> District; each subdivision, including each separate condominium interest <br /> as defined in Section 783 of the Civil Code if any, shall be given a <br /> separate number on the diagram. <br /> e. A proposed assessment of the total amount of the costs and expenses of constructing <br /> the public lands and sewer improvements proposed to be constructed upon the several <br /> parcels of land in said Assessment District in proportion to the estimated benefits <br /> received by such parcels, respectively, from said construction of said public lands and <br /> sewer improvements and of the expenses incidental thereto. When any portion or <br /> percentage of the costs and expenses of the proposed construction work is to be paid out <br /> of the City's treasury,pursuant to Section 10201 of the California Streets and Highways <br /> Code, the amount of such portion or percentage shall first be deducted from the total <br /> estimated costs and expenses of the construction of the sewer improvements, and the <br /> assessment upon property proposed in the report shall include only the remainder of the <br /> estimated costs and expenses; and <br /> f. A proposed maximum annual assessment upon each of the several parcels of land in <br /> the Assessment District to pay costs incurred by the Town and not otherwise reimbursed <br /> which result from the administration and collection of assessments or from the <br /> administration or registration of any associated bonds and reserve or other related funds. <br /> 1050929.1 Final <br />