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• • <br /> 6. The City Council directs staff to prepare an Engineer's report for the proposed assessments to <br /> the benefited property owners for the benefit of the Assessment District and authorizes staff to <br /> execute all agreements with bond counsel, a financial consultant and other professionals, as <br /> appropriate,to begin the Assessment District formation process. The Engineer's Report will be <br /> presented in a separate resolution to the City Council for approval and initiation of proceedings <br /> to authorize the assessment and sell bonds, all in accordance with the procedures set forth in state <br /> law. All costs associated with the new improvements, including engineering, legal and other <br /> Professional expenses, staff expenses and connection fees for the benefited parcels will be <br /> chargeable to and paid for from Assessment District funds. The construction of the <br /> improvements will not affect the City's general fund. <br /> 7. The City Council directs staff to prepare for review and signature by a majority of the <br /> affected property owners a reimbursement agreement for all costs, including preparation of the <br /> engineer's report, staff time and legal expenses, that will be incurred to prepare all of the <br /> materials to form the Assessment District before any work is started following the City Council's <br /> action. The reimbursement agreement shall also include a provision that if a majority of <br /> benefited parcel owners vote in favor of formation of the Assessment District,then upon <br /> formation of the Assessment District and issuance of the bonds all costs related to the <br /> preparation of the engineer's report, staff time and legal expenses shall be chargeable to and paid <br /> by the Assessment District. Staff shall begin work related to the preparation and formation of <br /> the Assessment District upon a majority of the benefited parcel owners signing the <br /> reimbursement agreement and making the necessary deposit and the Town receiving full <br /> payment for the expenses identified herein. <br /> 8. The public interest and convenience will be served by initiating the proceedings referenced <br /> herein. <br /> THE CITY COUNCIL FURTHER RESOLVES that the City Manager is directed to hire or <br /> contract with and execute documents with all persons or professionals to assist with <br /> accomplishing this resolution's directives where and as appropriate, including but not limited to a <br /> financial consulting firm and bond counsel. <br /> PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the Town of Los Altos <br /> Hills duly held on the 24th day of January, 2008, by the following vote: <br /> Ayes: Mayor Craig A.T. Jones, Vice Mayor Jean Mordo, Councilmember Breene Kerr and <br /> Councilmember Mike O'Malley <br /> Noes: None <br /> Abstain: None <br /> Absent: Councilmember Dean Warshawsky <br /> 1050929.1 Final <br />