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AGREEMENT REGARDING THE LOS ALTOS HILLS C-2 TRAIL PROJECT <br /> This Agreement Regarding the Los Altos Hills C-2 Trail Project(the "Agreement")is <br /> entered into by and between The Board of Trustees of The Leland Stanford Junior University, a <br /> body having corporate powers under the laws of the State of California("Stanford") and the <br /> Town of Los Altos Hills, a municipal corporation ("Town"). It is effective as of the date it is <br /> executed. <br /> RECITALS <br /> A. Under the terms of the Agreement for Trail Easements, Construction, <br /> Management and Maintenance and Grant of Trail Easements between Stanford and the County <br /> of Santa Clara (the"County"), executed by the County on January 3, 2006 (the"Trail <br /> Agreement"), Stanford is required to offer to fund improvements to an existing trail within <br /> Town, identified as the C-2 trail in the County's Trails Master Plan. This obligation is subject to <br /> certain terms and conditions specified in the Trail Agreement, <br /> B. In accordance with Section 4.c of the Trail Agreement, Stanford offered Town a <br /> choice of three funding mechanisms. Stanford then offered a fourth funding mechanism in a <br /> letter from Larry Horton to Carl Cahill, dated May 13, 2008. Town elected a slightly modified <br /> version of the fourth funding mechanism as set forth in this Agreement. This Agreement is <br /> intended to satisfy the condition in Section 4.d of the Trail Agreement which requires that the <br /> parties enter into a written agreement as a condition precedent to Stanford's funding obligation. <br /> C. Town will conduct an Initial Study and expects to prepare a Mitigated Negative <br /> Declaration. The environmental review process will be completed in compliance with the <br /> California Environmental Quality Act. <br /> The parties agree as follows: <br /> 1.0 The Project. The Los Altos Hills (C-2) Trail Project(the"Project") is a project <br /> consisting of the construction and improvement of a trail and other associated landscaping, as <br /> more particularly described in the plans and specifications attached as Exhibit A (the"Plans"). <br /> The Project will also include the mitigation measures required pursuant to the provisions of the <br /> California Environmental Quality Act(collectively, the"Mitigation Measures"). Town shall <br /> conduct the environmental review in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act; <br /> upon completion, Town shall provide a summary of the Mitigation Measures to Stanford. <br /> Stanford shall reimburse Town up to $30,000 for the cost of the environmental review as part of <br /> the Reimbursable Costs in Section 2.0, below. If the total cost of the environmental review <br /> exceeds$30,000(as set forth in Exhibit B) or the total cost of the Mitigation Measures exceeds <br /> $20,000, the parties will meet and confer regarding the additional costs and if the parties are not <br /> able to agree on a cost allocation of the additional costs, then Stanford or the Town may <br /> terminate this Agreement in accordance with the terms of Section 12.1. <br /> l <br />