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QECE""r9 <br />DEC 03 2006 <br />SUBJECT: Lands of Askarinam, 27198 Elena Road #203-08-ZP-SDTOWN OF LOS ALTOS HILLS <br />We are writing this letter to object the proposed height of the above project We have <br />been residents of Los Altos Hills since 1988 and have lived at for the <br />past 12 years. We purchased this house beacuse of the privacy, serenity and unobstructed <br />views that we have from many of the rooms in our house. This is one of the main reasons <br />that we chose to live at this house and paid good money to do so. <br />The proposed project currently creates an eyesore, where previously only trees were seen. <br />We have attached a picture of the constuctum viewed from our house. From every <br />window this tall house is seen. If these types of projects continue, it will change the <br />atmosphere of Los Alms Hills and certainly reduce the housing prices. <br />We are asking you to protect our rights in keeping the impact of this development to a <br />minimum and we are asking the Commission to reconsider the proposed height of 27 feet <br />for this residence and help in keeping Los Altos Hills rural. <br />We unfortunately are not able to attend the public hearing for this project on Thursday <br />December 2008 and we are asking you to consider this letter as our objection to the <br />height of this development. We appreciate your consideration in this matter. <br />Sincerely, <br />The Yazdy Family <br /> <br />