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Item 5.2
Planning Commission
Planning Commission Packets
July 17, 2008
Item 5.2
Entry Properties
Last modified
4/20/2016 4:04:58 PM
Creation date
1/14/2015 11:52:55 AM
Staff Report
Item Number
Item 5.2
Site Development Permit for a New 5,833 Square Foot Residence with a 1,322 Square Foot Basement and a New Swimming Pool; Lands of Burger; 11580 Old Ranch Road; File #12-08-ZP-SD-GD.
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Planning Commission <br />Lands of Burger <br />July 17, 2008 <br />Page 3 of 13 <br />Trees and Landscanin <br />The property is moderately vegetated with various mature trees and shrubs and none are <br />proposed for removal. However, the site contains a 22" heritage oak tree that is in <br />proximity to the proposed daylighted basement cut and a stairway. According to the <br />applicant the tree is intended to be retained and was a key element to the residence <br />design. The applicant has commissioned an arborist report to assess the potential impacts; <br />recommend alternatives and mitigation measures. The reports, prepared by Consulting <br />Arborist, Walter Levison, August 20, 2007 and April 1, 2008, conclude that the proposed <br />wall and stairway will not have a detrimental effect on the tree and that 70%-80% of the <br />root system will remain intact. (Attachment #5) <br />To ensure protection of all oak trees on site, staff has recommended a condition of <br />approval that requires all oaks on the site to be fenced per the Town's tree fencing <br />standards prior to the start of work. Also, Condition #14 specifies that an ISA Certified <br />Arborist provide a letter stating that all recommendations in the Walter Levison reports <br />were implemented during construction. <br />After completion of rough framing and prior to the time of the prior to final inspection by <br />the Planning and Engineering Departments, the applicant will be required to submit a <br />landscape screening plan and erosion control plan for Site Development Committee <br />review and all plantings required for screening and erosion control will be required to be <br />installed prior to final inspection. (Condition #2) <br />Outdoor Liehtine <br />All lighting proposed with this plan is building mounted lighting. All lighting is within <br />the setbacks and is shielded and recessed. Landscaping lighting will be reviewed with the <br />landscape plan. <br />Gradine <br />Total grading quantities include 2,895 cubic yards of cut and 305 cubic yards of fill. The <br />Engineering Department has reviewed the grading plan and reports that the applicant <br />proposes cut of up to 9 feet for the daylighted basement where the code allows a <br />maximum of four (4) feet. The area of the Grading Policy Exception is approximately 585 <br />square feet (13' x 45'). <br />Basement cut depths are not specifically regulated by the Grading Policy; however, the <br />basement is daylighted and creates a flat yard area adjacent to the basement. Cuts for yard <br />areas are limited to a maximum depth of 4 feet. The additional grading quantity for this <br />basement design is approximately 350 cubic yards more than a conventional basement <br />design. <br />
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