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Planning Commission <br />Lands of Burger <br />July 17, 2008 <br />Page 4 of 13 <br />Requirements for building siting are addressed in Section 10-2.702(c) of the Los Altos <br />Hills Municipal Code: <br />"Disturbance to the site. The location of all structures should create as <br />little disturbance as possible to the natural landscape. The amount of <br />grading, excavation, or fill shall be the minimum necessary to <br />accommodate proposed structures, unless grading is proposed to lower <br />the profile of buildings. Additional grading may be allowed for the <br />purpose of lowering the profile of the building provided that at the <br />completion of the project the visual alteration of the natural terrain is <br />minimized. The removal of vegetation and alteration of drainage patterns <br />shall be the minimum necessary to accommodate the proposed structure. " <br />The Grading Policy is used by staff in evaluation of development projects and making <br />recommendations to the Planning Commission and City Council. Individual sites may <br />dictate a need to deviate from the criteria, to the extent permitted by the Planning <br />Commission or City Council. <br />The proposed daylighted basement affords the property owner a two level design with the <br />profile of a single story building when viewed from the street. The proposed ridge height <br />is actually six inches lower than the existing residence ridge. The additional grading with <br />this design is balanced by a significant reduction in visible building bulk as opposed to a <br />typical two story design. <br />Drainage <br />Pursuant to Section 10-2.503, Drainage Facilities Standards, of the Municipal Code, the <br />Engineering Department has reviewed and determined that the proposed drainage design <br />complies with Town requirements. Water runoff generated from the proposed <br />development will be collected in a detention basin and metered to a vegetated swale. <br />The swale will collect runoff and intercept sheet flow not captured by the primary system, <br />spread water for absorption onsite, and prevent draining to downhill properties. <br />Fire Department Review <br />The Santa Clara County Fire Department reviewed the plans and has required that the <br />building be sprinklered. The proposed driveway complies with standard D-1 for <br />emergency vehicle access with a slope less than 15%. No onsite was required. <br />Committee Review <br />The Pathways Committee recommended that the property owner rededicate an existing 10 <br />foot wide equestrian easement along the southeasterly and northeasterly portions of the <br />property for public use. The existing easement is a perimeter trail with use rights <br />exclusively for property owners within the original Foothill Ranch subdivision. The <br />