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Item 9.1
Planning Commission
Planning Commission Packets
July 17, 2008
Item 9.1
Entry Properties
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4/20/2016 8:46:59 AM
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Staff Report
Item Number
Item 9.1
June 5, 2008 Draft Meeting Minutes.
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Planning Commission Minutes DRAFT <br />June 5, 2008 <br />Page 2 <br />level. Two rows of eucalyptus trees that provide significant screening are required to be <br />removed. The applicant confirmed with staff that two heritage trees had been removed prior to <br />application submittal. After consultation with the neighbors, a preliminary landscape screening <br />and tree replacement plan had been developed and submitted by the applicant. It included many <br />15 gallon shrubs planted around the perimeter of the property, five 84 inch box olive trees, two <br />24 inch box and two 36 inch box oak trees. Los Altos Hills Municipal Code requires a five to <br />one replacement ratio for heritage oak trees removed before application submittal. The proposed <br />grading policy exception included a 10 foot 6 inch cut for the driveway backup area for the <br />basement garage, 16 feet of cut for the ADA access ramp to the second unit and seven feet of cut <br />for the rear yard. Staffs recommendation included the removal of the ramp, pushing the terrace <br />walls forward to reduce the cut to 10' 6" and allow six feet of cut around the perimeter of the <br />house at a five foot distance from the house, and raise the elevation of the pool to meet the <br />grading policy limits. <br />Commissioner Cottrell asked if there was an alternative to the ADA access ramp. <br />Nicole Horvitz explained that for wheelchair access, the garage floor could be lowered two feet <br />to have the entire basement on one level. <br />Commissioner Harpootlian pointed out the other alternative for wheelchair access would be entry <br />to the main level and use of the elevator. <br />Nicole Horvitz confirmed that there was no requirement for single family residential projects to <br />provide ADA access to the second unit. <br />Discussion ensued among the Commissioners and staff regarding previously granted grading <br />policy exceptions. <br />Chairman Carey asked if staff had any comments on the difficulty of obtaining a correct <br />topographical map for the project. <br />Richard Chiu, City Engineer, replied that a neighbor had brought to staff's attention that the <br />project's original topographical survey was incorrect. The applicant then submitted a new map <br />from a different surveyor, which was within acceptable tolerances of what is expected from a <br />survey. <br />Commissioner Harpootlian asked if other incorrect plans with an engineers' stamp had ever been <br />submitted. <br />Richard Chiu replied that staff accepts stamped and signed plans and surveys as accurate. <br />Debbie Pedro, Planning Director, said that she is not aware of any other submitted topographical <br />survey being challenged for accuracy. <br />Chairman Carey asked if two or four oak trees had been removed before submittal of the <br />application. <br />
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