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Item 9.1
Planning Commission
Planning Commission Packets
July 17, 2008
Item 9.1
Entry Properties
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4/20/2016 8:46:59 AM
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1/14/2015 1:19:31 PM
Staff Report
Item Number
Item 9.1
June 5, 2008 Draft Meeting Minutes.
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Planning Commission Minutes DRAFT <br />Sane 5, 2008 <br />Page 3 <br />Debbie Pedro confirmed that two heritage oak trees had been cut down, but it was not clear if the <br />other two trees removed had been large enough in diameter to be heritage oaks. <br />Commissioner Harpootlian had concerns about the grading policy exception in regards to the <br />basement ordinance. <br />Debbie Pedro explained that the Planning Commission had the authority to allow grading policy <br />exceptions. For this project, staff had prepared findings to support the additional cut for the <br />basement garage to allow a lowered profile of the house and the terraced retaining walls to help <br />reduce visibility from offsite. <br />Brad Blackman, applicant and Barton Court resident, extended an apology to the neighbors and <br />staff for the errors in the project submittal. The focus for this development had been <br />consideration of all the surrounding neighbors in order to protect their views by building a low <br />profile home. He is also committed to providing ADA requirements in the new home and <br />building it "green". He stated that lowering the basement garage floor by two feet would provide <br />easier access to the second unit. <br />Scott Stotler, designer, explained that the adjacent properties had been taken into consideration <br />to keep the impact of the new residence as minimal as possible. He felt the basement garage was <br />a good concept for keeping cars out of view. The tallest parts of the retaining walls are <br />approximately 85 feet from the street and include planters and screening plants to break up their <br />expanse of the wall. The circular driveway and landscape screening will keep most of the wall <br />from view. He was in favor of changing the proposed design to remove the ADA ramp. The <br />proposed grading in the rear yard provides extra neighbor privacy and easier access to the yard. <br />Commissioner Cottrell asked about the lower garage floor and the need for the ADA ramp. <br />Scott Stotler explained that the garage floor was originally the same level as the rest of the <br />basement but was raised to minimize the height of the retaining wall at the driveway back up <br />area. With the higher garage floor came the need for the ADA ramp. If the garage were dropped, <br />access to the second unit would be through the garage. <br />Commissioner Collins confirmed with Scott that the priority was to gain ADA access to the <br />second unit. <br />Mark Blackman, applicant, explained that Custom Dreams has made a focus of sustainable <br />development practices. This includes creating indoor and outdoor spaces that are useable and <br />accessible for everyone. There is a demand for secondary dwelling units that have ADA <br />compliance. <br />Commissioner Harpootlian suggested locating the driveway and garage at the same level of the <br />main structure and the elevator used as access to the secondary unit. <br />Mark Blackman stated that Commissioner Harpootlian's idea had been considered. However, <br />locating the driveways on the sides of the property provided the opportunity for more landscape <br />screening at the front of the property and a lower profile for the new home. <br />
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