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Item 9.1
Planning Commission
Planning Commission Packets
July 17, 2008
Item 9.1
Entry Properties
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4/20/2016 8:46:59 AM
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1/14/2015 1:19:31 PM
Staff Report
Item Number
Item 9.1
June 5, 2008 Draft Meeting Minutes.
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Planning Commission Minutes DRAFT <br />June 5, 2008 <br />Page 4 <br />Scott Stotler stated that homeowners would rather see more landscape screening in the front of <br />their homes than garage doors and parked cars. <br />Commissioner Cottrell asked what the height of the proposed structure is in relation to the <br />existing structure. <br />Scott Stotler replied that the proposed ridge height for the new structure is considerably lower <br />than the existing house. <br />Brad Blackman said that the submitted design for the basement garage access was not the best <br />solution. He felt lowering the garage floor to the level of the rest of the basement made more <br />sense. <br />OPENED PUBLIC HEARING <br />Prabhat Dubey, Ascension Drive, stated he had viewed the proposed plans and was in full <br />support of the project. <br />Sandy Humphries, Environmental Design Committee, requested that the trees nearest Mr. <br />Zunino's property be kept pruned to a height as not to affect his garden. She also had concerns <br />that the width of the front yard iron fence was not wide enough for wildlife to pass through. <br />Mark Blackman said that the width of the fence and the need for wildlife passage would be taken <br />into consideration. <br />Tom Klope, Landscape Architect, said that the perimeter screening plan with the significantly <br />sized olive, oak and palm trees would provide privacy for the site. The neighbors had been <br />consulted on the location of the replacements for the heritage oak trees. Proposed for the area <br />new Mr. Zuino's pumpkin patch are Saratoga laurel shrubs that will be kept trimmed to 15 feet <br />in height. This should allow for enough sunlight on his pumpkin patch during the pumpkin <br />growing season. <br />Chairman Carey asked why only four oaks were proposed for the replacement of the heritage oak <br />trees that had been cut down. <br />Tom Klope answered that planting 10 new oak trees on the site would result in a landscape with <br />too many tall, thickly branched trees. Available for immediate planting were the large 20 foot by <br />20 foot olive trees to provide effective screening. The olive trees are easy to keep trimmed to 20 <br />feet in height and allow for more sunlight on the site. <br />Brad Blackman, said that it was important to have the flat backyard play area and pool area <br />accessible from the house yet be out of view of the neighboring properties. <br />CLOSED PUBLIC HEARING <br />Commissioner Collins supported the screening plan and felt needs had been addressed in <br />screening the house from view of the Zunino propety and also providing adequate sunlight for <br />
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