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Planning Commission Minutes DRAFT <br />June 5, 2008 <br />Page 5 <br />the pumpkin patch. The additional cut in the basement for the purpose of ADA access would not <br />be noticeable and was the only reason to grant the exception. The grading exception for the cut <br />in the backyard area was not necessary and she supported staff's recommendation. She felt that <br />the entire back yard did not need to be ADA accessible. <br />Commissioner Clow did not think the oak trees had been cut to create more area for the future <br />structures. He was satisfied that the topographical survey issues had been resolved. He felt <br />lowering the basement garage was the best solution to provide ADA access and was a good <br />reason to allow the additional grading policy exception. He would support additional cut to have <br />a flat backyard and create more privacy for the neighbors. He felt the landscape screening plan <br />was very responsive to the neighbors' concerns. <br />Commissioner Cottrell felt lowering the garage was a better solution than the ADA ramp. He <br />supported a larger flat backyard area instead of the limited five foot area. The applicant should <br />be congratulated on the efforts to accommodate neighbor issues, particularly Vince Zunino's and <br />the measures taken to protect the pumpkin patch. <br />Commissioner Harpoothan felt that a change in policy was being set for the basement ordinance. <br />He would like the proposed retaining walls to be mitigated with tiered sections along the side of <br />the north driveway, the driveway moved down and made more "S shaped" to make the wall less <br />visible. He supported staffs' recommendation for the backyard grading. The landscape <br />screening plan should be returned to the Planning Commission and the landscape screening <br />deposit increased to $25,000. <br />Chairman Carey congratulated the applicant for their green building principles, trying to achieve <br />ADA access and working hard with the neighbors. The neighbors deserved credit for their <br />attention to details and the changes made because of their diligence. He felt convinced that <br />lowering the garage was better than the ramp for access to the second unit. The landscape <br />screening plan should return to the Planning Commission and the landscape screening deposit <br />should be increased. Creating a flat backyard to make a more functional open area and lowering <br />the pool would be an advantage for both adjoining neighbors and applicant. He supported a <br />grading exception for the backyard. <br />Debbie Pedro suggested inclusion of a condition of approval to ensure that the secondary unit <br />conforms to all ADA construction guidelines for the building permit. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND PASSED BY THE FOLLOWING ROLL CALL VOTE: Motion <br />made by Commissioner Cottrell and seconded by Commissioner Clow to approve the project <br />with a grading policy exception for the driveway and backup area including lowering the garage <br />by an additional two feet to allow the finish floor of the garage to be at 211.5, level with the rest <br />of the basement. Also, eliminated the proposed ADA access ramp and extend the planter to the <br />wall of the house as shown in the diagram. <br />AYES: Commissioners Clow, Collins, Cottrell and Chairman Carey <br />NOES: Commissioner Harpootlian <br />