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Item 9.1
Planning Commission
Planning Commission Packets
July 17, 2008
Item 9.1
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Staff Report
Item Number
Item 9.1
June 5, 2008 Draft Meeting Minutes.
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Planning Commission Minutes DRAFT <br />June 5, 2008 <br />Page 6 <br />Commissioner Harpootian explained that his no vote was prompted by the unmitigated height of <br />the solid wall on the side of the driveway. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND PASSED BY THE FOLLOWING ROLL CALL VOTE: Motion <br />made by Commissioner Clow and seconded by Commissioner Cottrell to approve a grading <br />policy exception for a cut of up to seven feet to create a flat rear yard and flat portions of the side <br />yard per the submitted plans. <br />AYES: Commissioners Clow, Cottrell and Chairman Carey <br />NOES: Commissioners Harpootlian and Collins <br />MOTION SECONDED AND PASSED BY CONSENSUS: Motion made by Commissioner <br />Harpoothan and seconded by Commissioner Collins to forward to the City Council the <br />recommendation to approve the project with an increase in the Landscape Screening Deposit to <br />$25,000 and the required review of the Landscape Screening Plan by the Planning Commission. <br />AYES: Commissioners Clow, Collins, Cottrell, Harpootlian and Chairman Carey <br />NOES: None <br />This item is subject to a 22 day appeal period and will be forwarded to a future meeting of the <br />City Council. <br />3.2 LANDS OF LAMPRON, 14238 Stanford Court; File #227-07-ZP-SD-GD-VAR; A <br />request for a Site Development Permit to replace/rebuild an existing swimming pool and <br />a variance to allow the pool and decking to encroach within the side yard setback. The <br />existing swimming pool and decking was approved to encroach 19 feet into the side yard <br />setback by the Planning Commission in 1968. CEQA Review: Categorical Exemption per <br />Section 15302 (Staff -Brian Froelich). <br />Planning Commission Ex Parte Contacts Policy Disclosure: Commissioner Clow had <br />met with the applicant. <br />Brian Froelich, Associate Planner, presented the staff report explaining the project as the <br />rebuilding of legal non -conforming swimming pool and decking in the side yard setback. In <br />1968 the Planning Commission had approved a variance for a pool and decking in the setback. <br />Section 10-1.401 (c) of the Zoning Code requires that when more than 50 percent of a legal non- <br />conforming structure is proposed to be rebuilt, the Commission must make two findings in the <br />affirmative. Site constraints include 30% and 40% slopes in areas that are not in the setback, <br />nine heritage oak trees and a septic field. The applicant proposed to reconstruct the pool in a <br />similar location. Development area in the setback for the proposed project would be reduced and <br />setbacks increased by 11 feet. The pool equipment would be moved to a conforming location. <br />The neighbor nearest the setback encroachment had submitted a letter of support for the project <br />stating the privacy and visual impacts would be improved. <br />Commissioner Harpoothan asked about the proposed reduction in the size of the driveway. <br />Brian Froelich explained that a portion of the non -required circular driveway was being removed <br />to provide development area for the larger deck. <br />
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